Hey Ian,

Hints are just HTML/Markdown, and don't provide anything that would really be useful for a quick fix at this point, but... they should have the ability to include Links/HREFs as well. If you look at the windup-tooling-api, you should see Hint, Classification, and Link.

How do you envision the quick fix stuff working? What type of information would we need to give you?

Does that answer your question?


On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 8:24 AM, Ian Tewksbury <itewk@redhat.com> wrote:

Do any of the hints have a "suggested fix" built into them. I was looking at the hint API but didnt see such a thing, but I know it had been talked about in the past.

If such a thing exists I want to detect hints with "suggested code fixes" and auto generate Eclipse quick fixes for those hints so people can easily apply the quick fixes to knock out the easy stuff in an automated fashion.


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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."