Minutes:        http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-01-21-15.03.html

Minutes (text): http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-01-21-15.03.txt

Log:            http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/windup/2015/windup.2015-01-21-15.03.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (lincolnthree, 15:04:02)

* Status Reports  (lincolnthree, 15:06:10)
  * Last week I worked mostly on preparing and giving two SA outreach
    presentations on Thursday and Friday  (lincolnthree, 15:07:14)
  * This week I've been working on PR review, some design review, and
    setting up some more relationships with consulting teams.
    (lincolnthree, 15:07:36)
  * Today and for the rest of this week, my plan is to fix the relative
    paths bug in our UI, start working on the rule organization issues,
    and hopefully review the default ignore list.  (lincolnthree,
  * I have finished WINDUP-462 (removing now redundant org.windup
    @Property annotation)  (jsightler, 15:09:36)
  * I have also finished WINDUP-448 (XmlFile parameterization)
    (jsightler, 15:09:50)
  * I am presently working on WINDUP-367  (jsightler, 15:10:13)
  * I will resume WINDUP-277 shortly (replacing the windup RulePhase
    enumeration with marker implementations of WindupRuleProvider)
    (jsightler, 15:10:46)
  * I was working on IllegalStateException, I think we are together
    reaching to some solution, however I can't continue now because of
    other things comming up  (mbriskar, 15:13:02)
  * I worked on WINDUP-454, that means being able to ignore according to
    the file path  (mbriskar, 15:13:25)
  * and worked on the rexster tests. I need to clean a little bit the
    commit and then I can send PR  (mbriskar, 15:18:01)
  * I am mainly going to help people to use windup and write rules next
    week  (mbriskar, 15:18:39)
  * I am continuing on SkipArchives ruleset:  (ozizka, 15:21:10)
  * - created the Nexus index extractor  (ozizka, 15:21:10)
  * - written the library to read the files and resolve G:A:V from SHA1
    hash  (ozizka, 15:21:10)
  * - written the HTTP retriever which would need a servlet that would
    find  G:A:V by SHA1 hash  (ozizka, 15:21:10)
  * - Also added another way to retrieve the same data - Solr, not sure
    which one is better.  (ozizka, 15:21:10)
  * - I'll also make this depending on the --offline param  (ozizka,
  * - Writing the POM stuff that will pack the extracted mapping file
    into an artifact  (ozizka, 15:21:11)
  * - Started writing the tests for SkipArchives  (ozizka, 15:21:12)

* Priorities & Windup 2.0.0.Final Next Steps  (lincolnthree, 15:32:16)
  * we have a list of JIRA tasks that should get finished by .Final if
    possible  (lincolnthree, 15:32:39)
    (lincolnthree, 15:33:03)
  * I'll be working on some of the UI issues, and also working on
    restructuring the addons to fit the api/impl split layout
    (lincolnthree, 15:35:04)
  * Please focus on this list of tasks :)  (lincolnthree, 15:35:20)
  * LINK:
    (lincolnthree, 15:40:19)

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."