Right, I prefer to keep them updated and released as they are probably
the simplest form how to look at basic examples of Java or XML Rules.
And Windup documentation references them for this purpose I guess, so we
would lost a simpler target to point to.
On 24.9.2015 18:09, Rodney Russ wrote:
Well, they look like they at least have use based on the
(e.g. simple examples to look at), but I thought it was at least worth
the question.
On 24 Sep 2015, at 9:46, Jess Sightler wrote:
> I have often wondered if we have anyone using them. I don't know,
> though. I know that we never seem to hear questions about them.
> On 09/24/2015 08:10 AM, Rodney Russ wrote:
>> Thanks, Marek. I asked as they were referenced in the docs and I
>> wanted to be sure they were up to date if this was going to be the case.
>> As a side note, does anyone think they aren't needed or aren't useful
>> (i.e. should we stop maintaining and referencing them)?
>> On 24 Sep 2015, at 2:52, Marek Novotny wrote:
>>> On 24.9.2015 09:56, Marek Novotny wrote:
>>>> On 24.9.2015 01:48, Rodney Russ wrote:
>>>>> Have these been tested/looked at for 2.4.0.CR1?
>>>> I don't think as they are still pointing to windup 2.3.0.Final
>>>> (
>>> I created
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WINDUP-776 as I looked at XML
>>> rules and they need to be updated too.
>>> --
>>> Marek Novotny
>>> --
>>> Windup team member and Seam Project Lead
>>> Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
>>> Purkynova 99
>>> 612 45 Brno
Marek Novotny
Windup team member and Seam Project Lead
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99
612 45 Brno