JBoss Community

Updates for October 3 - October 10

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large attachments - IllegalStateException cannot create a session after the response has been committed new activity by Mirolsav Nikolov
hibernate.cache.use_query_cache="true" causing issues to MBeanServer new activity by Rafael Vanderlei de Souza
java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory and rhq.preferences.file properties are ignored (4.9.0) new activity by Lukasz Szelag
dataTable loop over two arrays new activity by Enrico Morelli
@ShouldMatchDataSet orderBy does not work properly new activity by Masao Kunii , Bartosz Majsak
RHQ Web Console not available  (4.9.0) new activity by Lukasz Szelag , mazz
welcome file not found in ExternalContext as a Resource new activity by Radim Hanus
How have you configured Wildfly 8 to use Infinispan for caching entities? new activity by Jari Juslin , Frank Langelage , Scott Marlow
JS error in the Firebug... new activity by Amit Tikoo
How to determine wether the Server is not available or the credentials are wrong when trying to connect to JBoss new activity by Michael Seeberger

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