JBoss Community

Updates for October 10 - October 17

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ClientSessionFactoryImpl sessions set build up to thousands of instances new activity by Andy Taylor , Tai Khuu Tan
Durable Subscriber in Clustered environment new activity by Yair Ogen , Andy Taylor
How to add MySQL module? new activity by S BH , Wolf-Dieter Fink
Deprecated Persistence Provider: org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence new activity by Juergen Zimmermann , Scott Marlow
Arquillian + Warp exception in arquillianBeforeTest new activity by Colm Roy
weblogic 12c resource-ref not working new activity by Robert Panzer , Vikas B
jboss 7.1 bind to jndi programmatically new activity by ffgf second
wildfly 8.0.0.Beta1 + spring 3.2.4 strange error when try to deploy new activity by lukas lukasz
Cannot test @WebContext(transportGuarantee = "CONFIDENTIAL") new activity by Juergen Zimmermann
Problems with picklist new activity by andrea agri

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