[aerogear-dev] Why is not APNsPushNotificationSender @ApplicationScoped

Stefan Miklosovic smikloso at redhat.com
Fri Aug 23 10:54:25 EDT 2013


I am just proof-reading the whole aerogear-unifiedpush-server and I would like to know 
why is not APNsPushNotificationSender @ApplicationScoped as other two senders in the same 
package (org.jboss.aerogear.unifiedpush.message.sender), to be concrete:

GCMPushNotificationSender and SimplePushNotificationSender are both @ApplicationScoped 
but the one regarding of iOS is not. Why?


Stefan Miklosovic
Red Hat Brno - JBoss QA WFK

e-mail: smikloso at redhat.com
irc: smikloso

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