[aerogear-dev] Client Paging Strawman

Douglas Campos qmx at qmx.me
Tue Jan 15 14:59:25 EST 2013

On 15/01/2013, at 17:40, Summers Pittman <supittma at redhat.com> wrote:

>> Basically, anything that involves creating a new object to maintain paged pipes rather than just using any other pipe and overloading the read method to do paging doesn't make sense to me.
> I'm confused.  Your strawman creates extra pipes to maintain paged states.  The other proposals all use an overridden read method and return a list which can be used to fetch different pages of data (which is what it sounds like you want).

This is where things get tricky for our java-rotted minds - everything is mutable in JS, and Kris is (ab)using this on his API freely :P

-- qmx

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