[aerogear-dev] AeroGear Security Hawk 0.1.0 Staged

Bruno Oliveira bruno at abstractj.org
Wed Jul 17 12:11:47 EDT 2013

Good morning all.

After some feedback on Hawk 
I asked Qmx to create a new repository for Hak and most of the commits 
into AeroGear Security were reverted. The latest stable one is still 
1.1.1, so if you are using it, you don't need to worry about.

The repository created is: 
https://github.com/abstractj/aerogear-security-hawk, you are free to 
test and provide some feedback. Also AG Sec Hawk was staged under

If you want to test it, please follow the instructions here: 
https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-controller-demo/pull/66 or 

Feedback is welcome.


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