[aerogear-dev] AeroGear.js Roadmap

Kris Borchers kris at redhat.com
Thu May 2 09:37:39 EDT 2013

Hey everyone!

Here is the JS roadmap. https://gist.github.com/kborchers/ff2ade823d9eceb687d1 Comments welcome. I have also pasted the contents below for easier discussion. Once we have dates based on our overall roadmap, I'll move this to aerogear.org.


# AeroGear.js Roadmap

## 1.0.x Release(s)
* **Bug Fixes and Minor Feature Additions**
 * Possibly wrapped into a 1.x release
* **Dates**
	* TBD

## 1.x Release(s)
* **Pipeline**
	* OData Adapter - [http://www.odata.org/](http://www.odata.org/)
		* Investigate continued support / viability (Netflix dropping?)
* **DataManager**
	* IndexedDB/WebSQL Adapter
		* Feature detection to determine which is available
		* IE9 supports neither so need to also be able to fall back to localStorage but use same API
		* Probably should investigate PouchDB's implementation
* **Auth**
	* OTP
		* Adapter or standalone
	* OAuth2 Adapter
		* Customizable Provider
* **Dates**
	* TBD

## 2.0.0 Release
* **Push / Notifier**
	* SimplePush
		* Base on Mozilla's SimplePush Protocol Specification
		* WebSocket/SockJS via Notifier
	* Notifier
		* Used for background communication in applications
		* Adapters
			* WebSocket
			* SockJS or some other fallback strategy
			* More? (STOMP and other protocols to "unify" APIs)
* **Data Sync**
	* Utility for keeping data in DataManager synchronized with a persistent server side store
	* Possibly use Notifier for communication / data transfer
* **Offline**
	* Support for using apps offline and detecting status
	* Simplified App Cache API
	* Scaffolding for proper App Cache setup
	* Use DataSync when returning to online status
* **Dates**
	* TBD
## 2.x Release(s)

* **Social**
	* Auth
		* Login via Facebook, G+, Twitter?
		* AeroGear.Auth adapter or separate?
	* Common API
		* Posting, Profile Info, Friend List, etc.
* **Dates**
	* TBD
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