[aerogear-dev] Basic/Digest Auth and JS

Kris Borchers kris at redhat.com
Wed May 22 10:47:30 EDT 2013

On May 22, 2013, at 9:43 AM, Summers Pittman <supittma at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 05/22/2013 10:12 AM, Kris Borchers wrote:
>> OK, so I am going to try to spell out the workflow as I see it working in JS. I would appreciate any feedback on whether or not this is crazy/wrong.
>> Create Basic or Digest authenticator
>> Must include a callback to be fired when a request to auth is received from server
>> Create pipe which uses this authenticator
>> Attempt read, save or remove on this pipe
>> Endpoint returns 401 with header indicating type of auth required
>> Need to research that this won't trigger the browser's native Basic/Digest auth handling
>> Fire user supplied auth callback passing it a reference to a "login" method that the user will pass the credentials collected in the auth callback
>> Use "login" method to construct appropriate response to server's 401
>> This is the fun part :-P
> In the Android version, login is called by the developer, not by the framework.  This "primes" the authenticator which then provides whatever tokens/headers/parameters/etc that the pipe will need to authenticate the request.

Sorry, I may not have been clear here. The developer would be calling the login method with my implementation too. Inside the callback they provide, their callback will be passed the login method which they would then call.
> This may have to be changed in the future to support multiple login flows.
>> Server responds to auth attempt
>> Success - continue to process original read, write or remove
>> Error - trigger a user supplied auth failure callback
>> Thanks!
>> On May 22, 2013, at 8:44 AM, Summers Pittman <supittma at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On 05/21/2013 08:22 AM, Kris Borchers wrote:
>>>> So, having seem the plans around Basic and Digest auth for Android and iOS, I am wondering if there is any need for that on JS. Typically that is handled by the browser and them the server maintains the session so I would lean toward not needing anything specific in JS for these types of auth. Input welcome.
>>> It may be useful is someone tries to embed it in a Node container or 
>>> write a Windows 8 app, Gnome 3 extension, etc.
>>>> Kris
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