[aerogear-dev] AeroGear Crypto API - Draft 0. Your brain is required
Matthias Wessendorf
matzew at apache.org
Thu Oct 10 04:45:42 EDT 2013
Thanks for putting together the gist; I did read several times over it, and
I guess it mostly makes sense :-)
However I do have a few (minor?) questions:
* key: generatedKey,
where does the generate key come from ? Is that a key that, as shown in the
diagram, comes from "the server"?
* CryptoBox: It is used for different algorithms (GCM and ECC), like a
"ToolBox" / "ToolChain", right ?
* PBKDF2: However, in the (outdated?) gist we use a function
(AeroGearCrypto.pbkdf2()) to get access to the Pbkdf2 class; I can't see
that in the code - there a direct usage of the Pbkdf2 class is present.
Now, wondering about the different 'access' mechanisms
(AeroGearCrypto.pbkdf2() vs. CryptoBox), does it make sense (honestly not
sure) to add the 'PBKDF2' to the "CryptoBox" as well ?
we had a kick off meeting early this week, and now trying to see how we
move on. A few infos are available in this forked gist:
More to follow....
On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 9:02 PM, Bruno Oliveira <bruno at abstractj.org> wrote:
> Good morning all, just to start the discussion about the APIs and
> encrypted storage I wrote this gist. Probably after some revisions I
> hope to make it a specification.
> Regarding the available scenarios, feel free to add or change the priority.
> Gist: https://gist.github.com/abstractj/f1229ae075f8e6688c75
> # AeroGear Crypto API
> **Note**: This document is a working progress
> # Authors
> - Bruno Oliveira
> - *put your pretty name here*
> ## Goals
> - User friendly interface for non crypto experts
> - Advanced developers can make use of the pure crypto provider
> implementation.
> ## Supported Algorithms
> - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGSEC-114
> ## Scenarios
> **Note**: For all scenarios the authentication process was intentionally
> ignored.
> - A logged in user wants to store sensitive data on mobile
> ![](
> http://www.websequencediagrams.com/cgi-bin/cdraw?lz=dGl0bGUgRGF0YSBlbmNyeXB0aW9uCgpDbGllbnQtPlNlcnZlcjogUmVxdWVzdAAZCyBrZXlzCgAaBgAeCkdlbmVyYXRlIHRoZQAdBSBhbmQgc3RvcmUAIwkAVgY6IFNlbmQAIAggYmFjayB0bwAzBWMAeAUAewkAKAhFAIEaBgBWBWRhdGEK&s=napkin
> )
> - The mobile device goes offline but the sensitive data must be safe
> [Under development]
> - Device was stolen and data must be destroyed
> [Under development]
> - The data must be backed up on the server, but passwords can't be exposed
> [Under development]
> - The application was installed into another device and the keys must be
> revoked on the server
> [Under development]
> - User wants to configure for how long the keys will be considered valid
> ## JavaScript
> ### Dependencies
> - [sjcl](http://crypto.stanford.edu/sjcl/) with wrappers for basic
> functionalities like: encrypt, decrypt, password salting and key pair
> generation.
> ### Implementation details
> - The size of sjcl library is still a concern (28K)
> - Crypto bits were built in a separate module so it may be
> included/excluded in a custom build.
> - The project will be developed under AeroGear.js repository
> (https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-js/pull/57)
> ### API (draft 0)
> - Password based key derivation support (PBKDF2)
> myEncryptedPassword = AeroGear.password("strong");
> - Symmetric encryption support (GCM)
> - Encryption:
> var options = {
> IV: superRandomInitializationVector,
> AAD: "whateverAuthenticatedData",
> key: generatedKey,
> data: "My bonnie lies over the ocean"
> };
> var cipherText = AeroGear.encrypt( options );
> - Decryption:
> var options = {
> IV: superRandomInitializationVector,
> AAD: "whateverAuthenticatedData",
> key: generatedKey,
> data: cipherText
> };
> AeroGear.decrypt( options );
> - Message authentication support (GMAC, HMAC)
> [Under development]
> **Note**: The implementations below are currently under discussion at
> https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-js/pull/62
> - Hashing support (SHA-256, SHA-512)
> digest = AeroGear.crypto.hash("some message");
> - Asymmetric encryption support (ECC)
> var hex = sjcl.codec.hex,
> keyPair = new AeroGear.crypto.KeyPair(),
> cipherText, plainText,
> options = {
> IV: superRandomInitializationVector,
> AAD: "whateverAuthenticatedData",
> key: keyPair.publicKey,
> data: ""My bonnie lies over the ocean"
> };
> cipherText = AeroGear.crypto.encrypt( options );
> options.key = keyPair.privateKey;
> options.data = cipherText;
> plainText = AeroGear.crypto.decrypt( options );
> - Digital signatures support (ECDSA)
> var validation,
> options = {
> keys: sjcl.ecc.ecdsa.generateKeys(192),
> message: "My bonnie lies over the ocean"
> };
> options.signature = AeroGear.crypto.sign( options );
> validation = AeroGear.crypto.verify( options );
> ## Android
> ### Dependencies
> - [Spongy Castle](http://rtyley.github.io/spongycastle/) with wrappers
> for basic functionalities like: encrypt, decrypt, password salting and
> key pair generation.
> ### Implementation details
> - The bouncycastle "provided" in Android doesn't have ECDH that's the
> reason why Spongy Castle was chosen.
> - aerogear-crypto-java will be the main repository to provide a crypto
> API for Android and the Java server.
> ### API (draft 0)
> **Note**: The implementations below are currently under discussion at
> https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-crypto-java/tree/refactoring
> - Password based key derivation support (PBKDF2)
> Pbkdf2 pbkdf2 = AeroGearCrypto.pbkdf2();
> byte[] rawPassword = pbkdf2.encrypt(PASSWORD);
> - Symmetric encryption support (GCM)
> - Encryption:
> CryptoBox cryptoBox = new CryptoBox(new
> PrivateKey(SOME_SECRET_KEY));
> final byte[] IV = new Random().randomBytes();
> final byte[] message = "My bonnie lies over the
> ocean".getBytes();
> final byte[] ciphertext = cryptoBox.encrypt(IV, message);
> - Decryption:
> CryptoBox pandora = new CryptoBox(new
> PrivateKey(SOME_SECRET_KEY));
> final byte[] message = pandora.decrypt(IV, ciphertext);
> - Message authentication support (GMAC, HMAC)
> [Under development]
> - Hashing support (SHA-256, SHA-512)
> [Under development]
> - Asymmetric encryption support (ECC)
> KeyPair keyPair = new KeyPair();
> KeyPair keyPairPandora = new KeyPair();
> CryptoBox cryptoBox = new CryptoBox(keyPair.getPrivateKey(),
> keyPairPandora.getPublicKey());
> final byte[] IV = new Random().randomBytes();
> final byte[] message = "My bonnie lies over the ocean".getBytes();
> final byte[] ciphertext = cryptoBox.encrypt(IV, message);
> CryptoBox pandora = new
> CryptoBox(keyPairPandora.getPrivateKey(), keyPair.getPublicKey());
> final byte[] message = pandora.decrypt(IV, ciphertext);
> - Digital signatures support (ECDSA)
> [Under development]
> ## iOS
> ### Dependencies
> [TBD] - http://oksoclap.com/p/iOS_Meeting_(Security)
> - [Common
> Crypto](
> https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/security/conceptual/cryptoservices/GeneralPurposeCrypto/GeneralPurposeCrypto.html
> )
> ### Implementation details
> [TBD]
> ### API (draft 0)
> - Password based key derivation support (PBKDF2)
> [Under development]
> - Symmetric encryption support (GCM)
> [Under development]
> - Message authentication support (GMAC, HMAC)
> [Under development]
> - Hashing support (SHA-256, SHA-512)
> [Under development]
> - Asymmetric encryption support (ECC)
> [Under development]
> - Digital signatures support (ECDSA)
> [Under development]
> --
> abstractj
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> aerogear-dev at lists.jboss.org
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Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
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