[aerogear-dev] iOS Crypto findings II

Matthias Wessendorf matzew at apache.org
Wed Oct 16 08:15:08 EDT 2013

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Corinne Krych <corinnekrych at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello All,
> With Christos we sit down to see remaining tasks/questions to achieve
> symmetric encryption.
> See team agenda:
> http://oksoclap.com/p/iOS_Security_Meeting.16.10.03

Oh, today there was a meeting? Was there a reason why the meeting was not
made public ?

> Here is the output:
> - We created initial unit test for encryption/decryption
> - Password derivation is done.
> - Random generation helper done. Refactor of AGRandomGenerator. Split into
> different classes. Christos on it.

any repo to share the results/work ?

> - Corinne created an initial encryptionimplementation using block
> encryption see
> https://github.com/cvasilak/aerogear-crypto-ios/blob/master/crypto-sdk/AGCryptoBox.m#L115
> We would like to move to stream encryption using CCCryptorUpdate. Christos
> on the case. Work in Pogress.
> - Encryption/Decryption could be a coslty operation we would like to do
> async work on different thread (dispatch_async->cipher->dispatch_main_queue
> )
> Corinne to look at it.
> => impact on API, we would like to go forward with
> "encrypt:success:failure" async versions to avoid developer to use e.g.
> - Question: where do we want to store random IV, encryption key (or just
> salt) used for encryption and neeeded to decrypt?
> - What do we want for a demo?
> Corinne to start a separate demo thread on ML: as the demo should be
> shared across JS/Android/iOS/cordova

On a different thread Bruno did suggest a password manager; I had the
impression that this is something for all the different platforms.


> ++
> Corinne
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Matthias Wessendorf

blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
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