[aerogear-dev] Question around encryption for iOS push certificate passphrase

Daniel Passos daniel at passos.me
Wed Feb 5 12:53:48 EST 2014

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew at apache.org>wrote:

> Hello Bruno,
> On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Bruno Oliveira <bruno at abstractj.org>wrote:
>> You shouldn't store your private key, please make use of the suggested
>> code and let me know.
> OK, not storing the 'private key', but instead I am only storing the IV,
> salt and ciphertext, right ?

Right. In this case you don't need store Private Key

> The following code is basically the (relevant) code behind the web-form
> when someone creates the logical construct of an iOS variant:
> https://github.com/matzew/psswd-salting/blob/master/src/test/java/net/wessendorf/salt/SecretKeyTest.java#L44-L62
> In real I get all the information for the variant (e.g. its name, its
> description, its certificate file and the passphrase for the certificate),
> but the above has been limited to the passphrase, as everything else is not
> so important here :-)
> So after that I have basically the following pieces in the database:
> * IV
> * salt
> * ciphertex
> instead of the plaintext passphrase for the iOS certs.

*NEVER* store password/passphrase

>  But, now, somewhere later in in the program, I need to do the decryption
> to get the actual passphrase for the stored Apple-certificate.
> However, I don't see how to create the CryptoBox here, as I should not
> stash the private/secret key, nor do I have access to the previous
> CryptoBox object
> https://github.com/matzew/psswd-salting/blob/master/src/test/java/net/wessendorf/salt/SecretKeyTest.java#L64-L85
> Looks like I am missing something here

If you have Salt and password you can create a PrivateKey "on the fly"

Pbkdf2 pbkdf2 = AeroGearCrypto.pbkdf2();
byte[] rawPassword = pbkdf2.encrypt(passphrase, salt);
PrivateKey privateKey = new PrivateKey(rawPassword);

And for create CriptoBox you only need a PrivateKey

 CryptoBox cryptoBox = new CryptoBox(privateKey);

Now you a able to decrypt using stored IV :)

byte[] decryptedData = cryptoBox.decrypt(IV, data);

That was exactly what we did in Ecrypted Store


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