[aerogear-dev] Cordova Ouath2 plugin using Google Play Services

Brian Leathem bleathem at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 10:58:15 EST 2015

On 2015-02-26 07:13 AM, Summers Pittman wrote:
> I really, really, REALLY wish Google hadn't made Android a class and
> had gone for an injection/composition programming model instead.  It's
> like they weren't even paying any attention to academic and
> professional literature about OO and Java in 2006...

Agreed - it's a severe limitation indeed.

In terms of landing the google-play-services oauth2-token request
feature I am trying to implement, I see a number of paths forward:

1) Rewrite the Aeroegear Oauth2 API altogether to be intenet based,
providing users the token via the #onActivityResult method.  This would
mostly just be adding a layer in front of the existing API, and
shouldn't be too honerous.  It would however be a breaking change for
downstream applications.

2) Leave the google-play-services request out of android-authz (Android
users can initiate the play-services intent themselves if they want). 
Instead I would implement this feature only in the oauth2-codova plugin
where I can receive the intent response.

3) Explore using an Android Service to handle Oauth2 token requests.  I
believe we would be able to trigger an intent and retrieve the result
from within the service, then provide it to the downstream application
from the service.  It's a little unclear as to whether starting intents
from a Service is good practice.

My vote would be to pursue 2) for now, with a note about 1) being added
to AGDROID-319 to be treated in a future revision.

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