[aerogear-dev] Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) support on UPS
Sebastien Blanc
scm.blanc at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 04:52:43 EST 2015
Hi Folks,
I've just submitted a PR to support ADM (Amazon Device Messaging) on UPS[1]
, yay !
A few notes :
- The Java ADM connector is also managed by AeroGear [2], it's not yet
on Maven Central, so you will need to clone it and build it
- The Client SDK (and updated Cordova Plugin) is not yet available but
to make this PR testable, we have adapted a Cordova App that Amazon use as
sample to show ADM, this fork will register with UPS [3], this app contains
also all the instructions to get started
- About the client SDK, FireOS (Amazon's OS) is almost "just" Android,
so we should be able to reuse most of our Android Lib [4], we jsut need to
remove the GCM part and use the ADM library instead. I will start work on
that today and ping our Android gods to see which is the best way to do
So anyone who has a Amazon Tablet, please give it a shot and report on the
PR !
Have fun !
[1] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-unifiedpush-server/pull/480
[2] https://github.com/aerogear/java-adm
[3] https://github.com/sebastienblanc/adm-cordova-sample
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