[aerogear-dev] AeroGear Android 3.0 - Roadmap

Daniel Passos dpassos at redhat.com
Tue Jul 14 10:08:15 EDT 2015

Hey Guys,

As you know Summers and I started work on AGDroid 3.0. Today we revisited
what we want to this release. I hope you enjoy it

   - Remove Java 6 support
   - Move to $LATEST android-maven-plugin
   - GCM 3.0 + Push Tasks
   - Extra convenience tooling
   - Memeolist demo app
   - Update docs
   - oAuth2 improvements
   - Experimental Offline Module
   - Experimental Yubikey Neo support

Aerogear Android Push

   - GCM 3.0
      - Instance ID
         - This is a new lifecycle for keeping the registration ID in sync
         - Using new services and broadcast receivers or providing
         equavalent support
        - XMPP
      - Using XMPP messaging for receiving messages and sending analytics
      - May be basis for more robust client side diagnostics and/or
      eventual messaging APIs

AeroGear Android plugin (new)

   - Previously we shot this idea down because it adds work on developer
   which isn’t standard
   - Google is moving to including more plugins in Gradle so that isn’t a
   - Goals
      - Linting push and authz
         - Confirm services in manifest
         - Confirm appropriate licecycle on Message Listeners
       - Annotation Processing
         - Automate boring lifecycle tasks around Push (attaching/detaching
         listeners from activity)
       - Manifest processing
         - Inject Required services for push and authz if libraries are
         - Automatically configure these services with values from
         keycloak.json and push-service.json

AeroGear Android Cookbook

   - Memeolist Demo App
      - Show off Material design skills
      - Show off integration with other Red Hat/JBoss technologies
      - Increase profile of AeroGear inside of Red Hat
      - Dogfooding

AeroGear Android Pipe

   - Logging support
   - Easier injection of HTTPProviders
   - Document adding custom headers under pipe

AeroGear Android Store

   - Decide between
      - Async operation
      - Content Provider
         - With the plugin we could also engage in automatic contract
         object generation
         - For an example of what I am thinking see Contracts
         and ContentProvider

AeroGear Android Offline

   - Cache : Configurable storage mechanism
      - Location : Where the CaceItem will be stored
         - Memory : in Memory store.
         - OnDevice : the internal permanent storage of the device
         - Media : removable media based storage. SD Cards, USB Sticks, etc
       - Eviction Policy : How long CacheItems can stay around
         - Permanent : Cache items must be removed manually
         - LRU : When the cache is full the least recently accessed will be
         - Fifo : The oldest object in the cache will be removed.
       - Size : The max number of items a cache may hold.
      - Age : The max age of any item

AeroGear Android Authz

   - Revisit oAuth2 opened jiras

AeroGear Android Security

   - Experimental Yubikey Neo
   <https://www.yubico.com/products/yubikey-hardware/yubikey-neo/> support

PS: Jiras are comming soon
-- Passos
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