[Aerogear-users] Possible bug in Aerogear Push Cordova/iOS implementation but not in the Cordova/Android version

Rob Willett rob.aerogear at robertwillett.com
Wed Jan 13 07:58:13 EST 2016


Pressed the return key too early.

We also tried it with OneSignal as well and that was fine.


On 13 Jan 2016, at 12:53, Erik Jan de Wit wrote:

> So you are using a different plugin for push atm? Can you tell me 
> which
> one, then we can see if there are differences between how it 
> initialises
> and we might be able to fix this.
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Rob Willett <
> rob.aerogear at robertwillett.com> wrote:
>> Erik,
>> No there are no warnings or any any errors. Errors and warnings we 
>> can
>> work with, this simply didn’t fire.
>> At the moment we have got around the issue with a different plugin. 
>> We
>> didn’t change the architecture at all and the different plugin 
>> works.
>> At the time we thought it was a timing or race condition and we still
>> think that.
>> We have this on the backburner as we need to get a release out. 
>> We’ll
>> try and revisit it later but it won’t be for a few weeks as Twitter
>> interfaces, GPS maps and route matching is on the critical path :)
>> Thanks
>> Rob
>> On 13 Jan 2016, at 9:43, Erik Jan de Wit wrote:
>>> Seems to be an cordova issue, when loading a lot of javascript makes
>>> the
>>> plugin skip init, are there warnings in the log about this?
>>> On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 8:52 PM, Rob Willett
>>> <rob.aerogear at robertwillett.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> We *think* we can now reproduce the problem. Clearly writing the 
>>>> last
>>>> e-mail has focussed our attention :)
>>>> Summary.
>>>> We have a simple Ionic app that would call the Aerogear 
>>>> notification
>>>> handler when notifications were receive in the foreground and when
>>>> the app
>>>> was in the background. The Aerogear notification handler would
>>>> sometimes be
>>>> called and sometimes NOT be called when a notification was received
>>>> when
>>>> the app was not started. See our long previous e-mails detailing 
>>>> the
>>>> problem.
>>>> We think we can now reproduce the problem as follows:
>>>> 1.
>>>> Kill the app.
>>>> 2.
>>>> Send a notification down to the app.
>>>> 3.
>>>> It appears in the iOS notification drawer
>>>> 4.
>>>> Click on the notification. if the Aerogear handler has worked then 
>>>> go
>>>> to 1 and repeat. We want a failure :)
>>>> 5.
>>>> If the Aerogear handler is NOT called, then put the app into the
>>>> background using the Home button and then click on the app icon to
>>>> resume.
>>>> 6.
>>>> The notification is now processed by the Aerogear handler. We can 
>>>> now
>>>> see it.
>>>> We are at a loss to explain this, we found it by accident, but we
>>>> think it
>>>> shows some sort of timing issue somewhere because if we pull out 
>>>> the
>>>> various Javascript files the Aerogear plugin seems to work
>>>> consistently at
>>>> startup. We have checked and checked the JavaScript files and 
>>>> cannot
>>>> see
>>>> any error with them at all at load time.
>>>> All suggestions welcome now.
>>>> Rob
>>>> On 20 Dec 2015, at 19:26, Rob Willett wrote:
>>>> Erik, Sebastien,
>>>> We’ve spent a significant part of the weekend looking into this
>>>> issue and
>>>> we have still not got to the bottom of it.
>>>> We have built a very simple Ionic test app that works in isolation.
>>>> We
>>>> have used the default Ionic tabs at
>>>> http://ionicframework.com/getting-started/
>>>> We then add in our Javascript files as <script> entries in the
>>>> index.html
>>>> file (shown for example)
>>>> <script src="js/polygon.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/urls.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/utilities.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/moment.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/perimeter.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/leaflet.markercluster-src.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/cycle.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/clipper.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/easy_button.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/graham_scan.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/sha.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/r-tree.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="js/angular-leaflet-directive.min.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="pouchdb/L.TileLayer.PouchDBCached.js"></script>
>>>> <script src="pouchdb/pouchdb-5.1.0.min.js"></script>
>>>> We do NOT call any functions within any of these files, indeed we
>>>> make no
>>>> reference to these files beyond including them in the index.html
>>>> file. Our
>>>> dummy html templates make no reference to them. We simply load the
>>>> javascript files in. We get no errors from including the files. We
>>>> have
>>>> used the controllers and services as provided by the dummy sample
>>>> Ionic app.
>>>> If we then send foreground notifications, the notifications are
>>>> always
>>>> handled by the Aerogear notification handler.
>>>> If we send notifications to the app when it is in the background, 
>>>> the
>>>> notifications are always handled by the Aerogear notification
>>>> handler.
>>>> If we kill by swiping up the app, we get the notifications but when
>>>> we
>>>> click on the notification from the main IOS screen it is arbitrary 
>>>> as
>>>> to
>>>> whether the notification is handled by the Aerogear handler when 
>>>> the
>>>> app
>>>> starts up. Sometimes the handler is called, but once the handler is
>>>> not
>>>> called, the Aerogear notification handler never appears to be 
>>>> called
>>>> again.
>>>> If we reinstall the app it sometimes works again and sometimes it
>>>> fails.
>>>> We can reinstall the app and the Aerogear notification handler 
>>>> might
>>>> be
>>>> called or it might not. We just ran the app with 20 tests to the 
>>>> app,
>>>> each
>>>> time killing the app and then sending down a a notification and it
>>>> started
>>>> the Aerogear notification handler each time. We then reinstall the
>>>> app
>>>> again, no changes in the code and it simply doesn’t process any
>>>> notification when the app is closed. The notification turns up, but
>>>> no
>>>> event is called to the Aerogear event handler.
>>>> Given that we are getting arbitrary results from the same codebase,
>>>> clearly something is remiss. Sometimes it works and sometimes it
>>>> doesn’t.
>>>> There is no logic that we can see. We’ve closed down Xcode after
>>>> installing, we’ve started and stopped our sample app a few times 
>>>> to
>>>> try and
>>>> make sure its closed down, ew are sending exactly the same payload
>>>> each
>>>> time.
>>>> We feel that there is some sort of timing or race condition, or if
>>>> this
>>>> was a piece of C code, that we are overwriting somewhere we
>>>> shouldn’t be.
>>>> It has that sort of feeling of a pointer going bad but we cannot 
>>>> see
>>>> where
>>>> the issue is at all. The fact that we get different results from
>>>> doing the
>>>> same install is very worrying but we can’t say whether its the
>>>> Aerogear
>>>> plugin, Ionic or our code.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Rob
>>>> On 18 Dec 2015, at 17:26, Rob Willett wrote:
>>>> Erok,
>>>> We’ve not forgotten the notification issue, we’re still working
>>>> on it to
>>>> try and get to the bottom of it. The problem for us is that its not
>>>> so
>>>> simple to cut code out and try and reduce the problem down. Our 
>>>> code
>>>> is
>>>> quite interlinked, for good or for worse.
>>>> We’ve added some simple sound debugging to the Objective C source
>>>> for the
>>>> Aerogear plugin. This means that we can hear where things are when
>>>> the
>>>> plugin starts up from a cold start after receiving a notification.
>>>> This
>>>> works quite well.
>>>> We initially added a beep to here
>>>> - (void)notificationReceived {
>>>> NSLog(@"Notification received");
>>>> AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(1005);
>>>> if (notificationMessage && self.callbackId) {
>>>> and this works whenever we get a notification in the foreground and
>>>> when
>>>> the app is in the background. We then started tracing backwards in
>>>> the
>>>> source code to see what called notificationReceived
>>>> We can see it here
>>>> - (void)register:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand *)command; {
>>>> NSLog(@"register");
>>>> self.callbackId = command.callbackId;
>>>> AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(1007);
>>>> isInline = NO;
>>>> [self.commandDelegate runInBackground:^{
>>>> NSMutableDictionary *options = [self parseOptions:command];
>>>> [self saveConfig:options];
>>>> // when running under iOS 8 we will use the new API for APNS
>>>> registration
>>>> if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication]
>>>> respondsToSelector:@selector(registerUserNotificationSettings:)]) {
>>>>    UIUserNotificationSettings* notificationSettings =
>>>> [UIUserNotificationSettings
>>>> settingsForTypes:UIUserNotificationTypeAlert |
>>>> UIUserNotificationTypeBadge | UIUserNotificationTypeSound
>>>> categories:nil];
>>>>    [[UIApplication sharedApplication]
>>>> registerUserNotificationSettings:notificationSettings];
>>>>    [[UIApplication sharedApplication]
>>>> registerForRemoteNotifications];
>>>> } else {
>>>>    [[UIApplication sharedApplication]
>>>> registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: (UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge 
>>>> |
>>>> UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound | UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert)];
>>>> }
>>>> #else
>>>> [[UIApplication sharedApplication]
>>>> registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: (UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge 
>>>> |
>>>> UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound | UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert)];
>>>> #endif
>>>> CDVPluginResult* pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult
>>>> resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_NO_RESULT];
>>>> [pluginResult setKeepCallback:@YES];
>>>> [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult
>>>> callbackId:command.callbackId];
>>>> }];
>>>> if (notificationMessage)            // if there is a pending 
>>>> startup
>>>> notification
>>>> {
>>>> AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(1024);
>>>> [self notificationReceived];    // go ahead and process it
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> So we add some more beeps in to track down whats going on. We add
>>>> AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(1007) at the beginning of the function
>>>> and add
>>>> AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(1024) just before we call the
>>>> notificationReceived method.
>>>> We get the first sounds on startup but do NOT get the second set of
>>>> sounds. It looks like notificationMessage is not being set at
>>>> application
>>>> startup.
>>>> Our problem now is that we are not Objective-C developers so we are
>>>> struggling to debug much further. So trying to understand how
>>>> notificationMessage is set and defined as its declared as 
>>>> @synthesis
>>>> is
>>>> unclear. We’ll start reading and learning quickly but as this is
>>>> new for
>>>> us, so we will be slow.
>>>> Any suggestions welcomed,
>>>> Rob
>>>> On 16 Dec 2015, at 16:54, Erik Jan de Wit wrote:
>>>> Hi Rob,
>>>> What you could try is to debug this in xcode, when the notification
>>>> is
>>>> touched it should launch the app and that will in turn call the JS
>>>> callback. Would be good to see if this code is called 100% of the
>>>> time.
>>>> You can put a breakpoint here:
>> https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-cordova-push/blob/master/src/ios/AppDelegate%2Bnotification.m#L56
>>>> That code will execute on cold start and here:
>> https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-cordova-push/blob/master/src/ios/AGPushPlugin.m#L102
>>>> That is where the onNotification callback gets invoked.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Rob Willett <
>>>> rob.aerogear at robertwillett.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Sebastien
>>>> Yes, we do it at that point, $ionicPlatform.ready. I include the
>>>> whole of
>>>> that area of code for reference but we’re not expecting you to
>>>> debug it for
>>>> us. Merely to demonstrate its there.
>>>> At the moment all we want the code to do is put an alert up.
>>>> .run(function($ionicPlatform , CordovaService) {
>>>> $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
>>>> if (window.StatusBar) {
>>>> // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required
>>>> StatusBar.styleDefault();
>>>> }
>>>> ConsoleLog('<<< Cordova ready >>>');
>>>> /* This seems to remove an annoying page flicker on iOS when the
>>>> keyboard
>>>> is displayed */
>>>> cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll(true);
>>>> isDeviceReady = true;
>>>> var uuid = "D26FBAF1-2EF2-4614-875F-4497EC4212D5/JFL1-0/ios_app";
>>>> var aeroGearPushConfig = {
>>>> pushServerURL: "https://push-jambuster.rhcloud.com/ag-push/",
>>>> ios: {
>>>> variantID: “XXXXX”,
>>>> variantSecret: “YYYYYYY”
>>>> } ,
>>>> // sendMetricInfo: true,
>>>> alias: uuid
>>>> };
>>>> push.register(function (event) {
>>>> alert("EVENT = " + JSON.stringify(event));
>>>> } , function () {
>>>> if (1)
>>>> {
>>>> // alert("AeroGearSuccessHandler: OK " + JSON.stringify(uuid));
>>>> // ConsoleLog("UUID = " + uuid);
>>>> }
>>>> } , function () {
>>>> } , aeroGearPushConfig);
>>>> We were still loading up another 18,000 lines of code so we need to
>>>> start
>>>> pruning that back until we have something that works.
>>>> Rob
>>>> On 16 Dec 2015, at 16:04, Sebastien Blanc wrote:
>>>> In the ionic app when do you do the registration of UPS ? on the
>>>> platformReady event ?
>>>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Rob Willett <
>>>> rob.aerogear at robertwillett.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Erik,
>>>> We have built the simplest possible app we can that uses the 
>>>> Aerogear
>>>> push plugin but using the ionic tabs starter kit.
>>>> http://ionicframework.com/getting-started/
>>>> We have taken the code directly from the Cordova simple app that we
>>>> have
>>>> got working and put it into the Ionic app.
>>>> if we follow your tests as below:
>>>> 1.
>>>> IOS App in foreground, we send a simple push notification from the
>>>> Aerogear console - Works OK, We can see the event. Good
>>>> 2.
>>>> IOS App in background, we send a simple push notification from the
>>>> Aerogear console - Works OK, We can see the event. Good
>>>> 3.
>>>> IOS App killed, we send a simple push notification from the 
>>>> Aerogear
>>>> console and some of the time when we click on the notification in 
>>>> the
>>>> notification drawer we do NOT get the notification handler called.
>>>> Not
>>>> so good
>>>> However it does appear to work most of the time with our minimal
>>>> Ionic
>>>> app, but some of the time it fails. We had a run of 1 in 2 failures
>>>> when
>>>> we click on the notification. Now we have just done 20 runs in a 
>>>> row,
>>>> each time killing the app after receiving the notification and not 
>>>> a
>>>> single failure. Nothing changed.
>>>> We cannot find any obvious reason for this so we are still
>>>> investigating.
>>>> We have reconfigured our main app to work the same way as the 
>>>> minimal
>>>> app but we are still getting the same issues as before, we can see
>>>> the
>>>> notification in the drawer but clicking on it does NOT call the 
>>>> same
>>>> handler with the same code as the minimal app. We get zero calls to
>>>> the
>>>> notification event handler.
>>>> We are wondering if there is a timing issue somewhere in our code,
>>>> but
>>>> we can’t see it. We also wondered if the size of the code we are
>>>> loading is the cause of a timing issue as well.
>>>> Is there any way of adding more debugging into the Aerogear push
>>>> plugin
>>>> to see if we can track things down that way?
>>>> Its very frustrating, but thanks for your help to date. It does 
>>>> look
>>>> like its an interaction with our code, Ionic and the Aerogear 
>>>> plugin.
>>>> My
>>>> money is on our code though. We’ll now start pulling working code
>>>> out
>>>> of our app until we get back to the minimal app. Only 18,604 lines 
>>>> to
>>>> go
>>>> :)
>>>> Rob
>>>> On 15 Dec 2015, at 10:36, Erik Jan de Wit wrote:
>>>> Hi Rob,
>>>> That would be a bug, although I can not reproduce it, to test it 
>>>> this
>>>> is
>>>> what I've done to test it:
>>>> $ > cordova create push-test <my bundle id>
>>>> $ > cordova platform add ios
>>>> $ > cordova plugin add aerogear-cordova-push
>>>> copy paste your js code into www/js/index.js onDeviceReady, changed
>>>> pushServerUrl and variant info and changed quotes to " (this is 
>>>> your
>>>> email
>>>> client no doubt) and changed : into ; after console.log("Success")
>>>> Attach Safari debugger and send a message when the app is in the
>>>> foreground
>>>> and get in the console:
>>>> HandleAeroGearNotification: event =>
>> {"alert":"test","foreground":true,"coldstart":false,"sound":"default","badge":-1,"payload":{}}
>>>> I press the home button and send the app to the background send
>>>> another
>>>> message and 'touch' the message to launch the app:
>>>> HandleAeroGearNotification: event =>
>> {"alert":"background","foreground":false,"coldstart":false,"sound":"default","badge":-1,"payload":{}}
>>>> The I kill the app by pressing home twice and swiping over the app 
>>>> to
>>>> remove it send another message and 'touch' it to launch the app. 
>>>> This
>>>> kills
>>>> my safari debugger so no way to see the console log, but in this 
>>>> case
>>>> coldstart should be true. To test this better changed the code to
>>>> alert
>>>> instead of console:
>>>> function HandleAeroGearNotification(event) {
>>>> alert("HandleAeroGearNotification: event => " + event.coldstart);
>>>> // Stuff cut for clarity
>>>> }
>>>> I send another notification 'touch' it to launch the app and see 
>>>> the
>>>> alert
>>>> box display the text:
>>>> HandleAeroGearNotification: event => true
>>>> Hope this helps
>>>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 10:20 PM, Rob Willett <
>>>> rob.aerogear at robertwillett.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We think we have found a possible bug in the Aerogear Cordova 2.0.4
>>>> push
>>>> plugin specifically on the iOS side.
>>>> Summary
>>>> We have two versions of our app, an Android and an IOS version. 
>>>> Both
>>>> use
>>>> the latest Cordova push plugin 2.0.4. They also both have the 
>>>> latest
>>>> Cordova platforms, android 4.1.1, ios 3.9.2. Both the iOS and 
>>>> Android
>>>> versions are compiled at the same time. We are running cordova 
>>>> 5.3.3
>>>> with
>>>> Ionic 1.7.8 (?).
>>>> 1.
>>>> We make sure that both apps are NOT started up on each device. We
>>>> also
>>>> check they are NOT in the background.
>>>> 2.
>>>> We send the same simple notification to each device. This
>>>> notification
>>>> config is as below, we have anonymised the variants and alias in 
>>>> this
>>>> JSON
>>>> structure, though we can report that the UPS server sends the data
>>>> correctly. We use the additionalData flag to provide the 
>>>> information
>>>> necessary to decide which notification has been clicked in the
>>>> notification
>>>> drawer.
>>>> 'variants' => [‘variant1’,’variant2’ ],
>>>> 'message' => {
>>>> 'additionalData' => { 'Disruption_Id' => '107546',
>>>> 'EpochTime' => '1450125268'
>>>> },
>>>> 'alert' => 'Cannon Street (EC4N) (All Directions) at the junction 
>>>> of
>>>> King William Street - To facilitate a heavy lift in Cannon Street,
>>>> Cannon Street will be closed. Traffic is slow moving on diversion.'
>>>> },
>>>> 'alias' => [ ‘alias1’ ],
>>>> 'ttl' => 600
>>>> };
>>>> 1.
>>>> Both devices show the message, the Android device stacks the 
>>>> message
>>>> and the iOS device display an individual message. This looks 
>>>> correct.
>>>> 2.
>>>> Clicking on the Android stacked message starts up the app and the
>>>> Javascript notification handler we have defined,
>>>> HandleAeroGearNotification
>>>> is called
>>>> HandleAeroGearNotification: event => {"alert":"Cannon Street (EC4N)
>>>> (All Directions) at the junction of King William Street - To
>>>> facilitate a heavy lift in Cannon Street, Cannon Street will be
>>>> closed. Traffic is slow moving on
>> diversion.","coldstart":true,"foreground":true,"payload":{"alert":"Cannon
>>>> Street (EC4N) (All Directions) at the junction of King William 
>>>> Street
>>>> - To facilitate a heavy lift in Cannon Street, Cannon Street will 
>>>> be
>>>> closed. Traffic is slow moving on diversion.","badge":"-1"}}
>>>> 1.
>>>> Clicking on the notification in the notification drawer on the iOS
>>>> device also starts our app up correctly but the notification 
>>>> handler,
>>>> HandleAeroGearNotification(), is NOT called. The app starts up as
>>>> normal as
>>>> if the notification had not been clicked. We would expect the
>>>> notification
>>>> handler to be called in iOS as it is in Android.
>>>> 2.
>>>> All notifications are cleared on both Android and iOS correctly 
>>>> when
>>>> the app is started up.
>>>> 3.
>>>> We define HandleAeroGearNotification as
>>>> var aeroGearPushConfig = {
>>>> pushServerURL: "https://push-jambuster.rhcloud.com/ag-push/",
>>>> ios: {
>>>> variantID: “variantid_obscured”,
>>>> variantSecret: “variant_secret_obscured”
>>>> } ,
>>>> android: {
>>>> senderID: "variantid_obscured" ,
>>>> variantID: "variant_id_obscured" ,
>>>> variantSecret: "variant_secret_obscured"
>>>> } ,
>>>> sendMetricInfo: true,
>>>> alias: alias1
>>>> };
>>>> function HandleAeroGearNotification(event) {
>>>> console.log(“HandleAeroGearNotification: event => “ +
>>>> JSON.stringify(event));
>>>> // Stuff cut for clarity
>>>> }
>>>> // Slightly simplified registration event.
>>>> push.register(HandleAeroGearNotification , function () {
>>>> console.log(“Success”):
>>>> } , function () {
>>>> console.log(“Failure”);
>>>> } , aeroGearPushConfig);
>>>> We cannot see any reference to this issue in the JIRA database and
>>>> wondered if it is a bug or not.
>>>> If its a bug we are happy to raise it accordingly.
>>>> Please let us know,
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Rob
>>>> Aerogear-users mailing list
>>>> Aerogear-users at lists.jboss.org
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>>>> --
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Erik Jan
>>>> Aerogear-users mailing list
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>>>> --
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Erik Jan
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>>> --
>>> Cheers,
>>>  Erik Jan
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> -- 
> Cheers,
>     Erik Jan
> _______________________________________________
> Aerogear-users mailing list
> Aerogear-users at lists.jboss.org
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/aerogear-users

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