[Apiman-user] Using property placeholder in policy configuration which evaluate at runtime using system properties

Ton Swieb ton at finalist.nl
Wed Dec 9 11:19:37 EST 2015


Is it possible to use property placeholders in policy configuration. The
property placeholders should be evaluated at runtime based on a Java system

For example.
I have configured the realm property in the Keycloak Oauth policy to be:

But instead of setting protocol://host:port hardcoded I want to use
something like:

The reason I want to use property placeholders is because of our Docker
The Docker image is setup with a preconfigured Apiman installation. So the
image already has some service published an policies applied. Only when
building the image it is unknown on which host the image will run.

In particular. The Keycloak OAuth policy is complaining as follows:

  "type": "Authentication",
  "failureCode": 11004,
  "responseCode": 401,
  "message": "Token audience doesn't match domain. Token issuer is, but URL from
configuration is http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/apiman",
  "headers": {}

I hope to solve this by using property placeholders which evaluate at
runtime using a system property.


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