[Apiman-user] Mapping between REST services (GET/POST/PT/DELETE) & API Gateway

Charles Moulliard cmoulliard at redhat.com
Wed Jul 8 13:44:47 EDT 2015


The API Manager allows to map the proxy service (= service to be 
authorized) with the real service exposed by example by a REST Endpoint

If the REST service exposes GET, PUT, DELETE & POST methods that we ca 
nreach using these curl requests :

1) GET
     curl http://localhost:8080/cxf/rest/customerservice/customers/123
     curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
3) PUT
     curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d 
4) Delete
      curl -X DEL 

I have encoded this service API : 
http://localhost:9090/rest/customerservice/customers/ but when I try to 
reach it using the proxy API ("curl -v -k -H "Authorization: Bearer 
$TOKEN""), I 
get this response : Server returned HTTP response code: 405 for URL: 

QUESTION : Do I have to encode each service individually or can I encode 
them one time when I declare the API Endpoint of the "Service 
Implementation" ?

Charles Moulliard
Principal Solution Architect / JBoss Fuse Expert - Global Enablement @redhat
cmoulliard at redhat.com | work: +31 205 65 12 84 | mobile: +32 473 604 014
MC-Square Business "Stockholm", Leonardo Da Vincilaan 19, Diegem 1831 - 
twitter: @cmoulliard <http://twitter.com/cmoulliard> | blog: 
cmoulliard.github.io <http://cmoulliard.github.io>
committer: apache camel, karaf, servicemix, hawtio, fabric8, drools, 
jbpm, deltaspike
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