[Apiman-user] Simple Prometheus metrics impl to try

Marc Savy marc.savy at redhat.com
Wed Sep 2 05:38:50 EDT 2015

Hi All,

A very simple Prometheus scrape-based metrics impl was landed onto master (i.e. 1.2.x) yesterday. It's presently intended for use with the Vert.x 3 based gateway impl, but if you're so inclined you can actually test it with the Servlet-based impl[1].

It doesn't have any support for auth and is just plain HTTP. So, you'd need to lock down the network if you don't want outsiders to access it.

The only configurable option at the moment is 'port', which indicates which port the HTTP server will listen on. 

To try it out, check out and build the latest apiman `master`, then in your vert.x conf file:

"metrics": {
  "class": "io.apiman.gateway.engine.prometheus.PrometheusScrapeMetrics",
  "config": {
    "port": 8083

and for a servlet-based impl (you may need to do some twiddling to get stuff onto the classpath):


You should then be able to set up Prometheus to scrape the gateway(s).


[1] This is inadvisable for any production scenario, since the web-server can't be configured through the usual standalone.xml route.

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