[Apiman-user] APIMAN Analytics

Mohan mohanjoyappa at gmail.com
Tue May 31 16:13:35 EDT 2016


While going through APIMAN’s Analytics functionality, I have found out that
you need to open individual APIs to see following stats

1 ) Usage of a given API per client and per plan

2) # of Successful/Failed/erroneous responses

I would like to know is there any way for us to get following reports in

1.       Is there any way to see above statistics for *ALL published API*s
at *ONE* place without having to go through each APIs?

2.       And, For a given time period

a.       Among all the published APIs, show me the APIs for which we had
issues/(# faulty API calls per API) so that I know the problematic APIs and
can take corrective action.

b.      Among the published APIs, show me the number of subscriptions
(Example : API-1 has 1 subscriber/ClientApp, API-2 has 3
subscriber/clientApp) to measure the adoption rate for a given API

c.       Among the published APIs, show me the number of APIs call made per
API and their response time (so that I know which APIs are slow and I can
take corrective action to improve the performance)

d.      Number of API calls per user/clientApp (This will help developer to
see whether to reduce their usage of API calls or not and also helps the
service provider to know which developer are exceeding their quota).

Appreciate your feedback/response


Mohan Joyappa (@ ebsco)
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