[Apiman-user] Bug in Vert.x Gateway was preventing plugins being loading from static config

Marc Savy marc.savy at redhat.com
Mon Jun 25 11:57:45 EDT 2018

This might only hit more advanced users, but I discovered that on the
Vert.x Gateway that plugins were not being loaded from the static
config (conf.json).

This is distinct from any policy plugin stuff.

For example, if you had your request-parser loaded from a custom plugin:

"request-parser": {
    "class": "plugin:io.apiman.plugins:custom-path-parser-plugin-demo:1.4.2.Final:war/io.apiman.plugins.demo.custompathparser.CustomPathParserImpl",
    "config": {
        "defaultOrgName": "Apiman"

This would fail to work properly. I've fixed it now, and shall do a
1.4.2.Final release shortly unless some problems pop up.

Please do try it out on master if this is a feature you use.

I have been drafting up a blog post showing how to write your own path
parser implementation (so you can have custom URL patterns on your
Apiman Gateway). So, watch out for that one!


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