[bv-dev] Constructor validation

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Thu Dec 1 05:28:19 EST 2011

We cannot ignore Constructor validation. JAX-RS requires this to have a complete integration with Bean Validation.
I don't want us to not specify it and have them forced to invent some pseudo extension that will diverge over time.
I'm sure other frameworks do control object construction at various level. Even in CDI, constructor-based injection is an 
entry point for validation.


On 30 nov. 2011, at 19:59, Gunnar Morling wrote:

> Hi experts,
> Emmanuel asked me to take the lead on the method validation feature,
> so be prepared for related questions, API proposals and requests for
> feedback via the mailing list :)
> The first issue I'd like to discuss is the validation of constructor
> arguments. Is this something which we want to support at all? I don't
> think there are that many interception solutions which enable
> constructor interception at all (for instance CDI interceptors don't,
> So personally I'd be fine with focussing on actual method validation
> in BV 1.1, waiting for user demand for constructor validation and
> adding it possibly in a later release. WDYT?
> If we decide to include constructor validation, should we support the
> validation of newly created objects (similar to return value
> validation), e.g. like that:
> public class Foo {
>  @Valid
>  public Foo() {
>  }
> }
> Here @Valid would trigger a validation of the newly instantiated Foo
> object (whether to use @Valid or another annotation still needs to be
> discussed). Any thoughts?
> --Gunnar
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