[bv-dev] Dependency between constraints and validators

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Tue Oct 25 09:33:44 EDT 2011

On 24 oct. 2011, at 22:08, Gunnar Morling wrote:

>> - we would need to list all binding via a programmatic API (that solution does break compile time checking BTW)
> Why would that break compile-time type-safety?

Imagine the following code

    void main(args[] args) {
        ValidatorFactory factory = Validation
              .addBinding(NotNull.class, NumberNotNullValidator.class)

        public static class Address {
            @NotNull String getStreet() { ... };

How would an annotation processor know that the factory is configured to bind NotNull with NumberNotNullValidator and thus that Address.getStreet cannot be validated?

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