[bv-dev] [BVAL-251] Improve Bean Validation support for modularized environments

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Tue May 8 11:06:26 EDT 2012

On May 4, 2012, at 12:56 PM, Gunnar Morling wrote:

>> Seems everyone is tired of OSGi? Maybe adding the OSGi header is as far as we should go.
> It has been a while since I've played around a bit with BVAL-251. I
> still think some (standardized) OSGi support would be a good thing.
> I've worked on the basic discovery (there are branches for the API [1]
> and HV [2]) and I definitely would like to investigate the area a bit
> more (would we need special message interpolators etc.), but since
> then I just haven't found enough time to continue with the issue. I
> hope I can continue with that within the next time. Maybe Kevin has
> also some news on that.

I guess I am most concerned about the explicit dependency to org.osgi artifacts. 
In this case I would prefer a separate activator jar (we discussed this before).
Question is, is it really the responsibility of the spec to provide such a thing.

> Regarding the class loader service, this might be a good idea. I think
> we should see which specific use cases there are (which related
> problems currently exist etc.) in order to come up with a solution.

I created https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/BVAL-286. I really think such a service
is beneficial outside the OSGi scope, but even there it is useful.

Atm I see two main use cases - loading classes and leading resource bundles 

	<T> Class<T> classForName(String  className);
        ResourceBundle loadBundle(String bundleName, Locale locale); 

> It would also be interesting to know how Apache Validation does class
> loading. 

Anyone? I would be interested as well :-)


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