[bv-dev] bv-dev] [BVAL-251] Improve Bean Validation support for modularized environments

Edward Burns edward.burns at oracle.com
Mon May 14 12:40:07 EDT 2012

>>>>> On Fri, 4 May 2012 12:11:30 +0200, Hardy Ferentschik <hardy at hibernate.org> said:

HF> Seems everyone is tired of OSGi? Maybe adding the OSGi header is as
HF> far as we should go.

For the spec, that's the right amount of depth.

HF> However, I would like to use this thread to a related question - class loading. 

HF> At several occasions Hibernate Validator needs to do some class
HF> loading or at least needs a class loader (e.g. loading classes
HF> specified in the xml configuration, detecting whether JPA is on the
HF> classpath in the case of TraversableResolver, loading resource
HF> bundles).

HF> The spec does not define which class loader should be used in these
HF> cases. Hibernate Validator for example first tries the context and
HF> then the current class loader. The question is whether there is a
HF> need to specify which class loader should be used or should there
HF> even be a ClassLoaderService:

HF> public interface ClassLoaderService {
HF> 	public <T> Class<T> classForName(String className);

HF>         // potentially more class loader related methods

HF> }

HF> An implementation of such a service could be passed if we add
HF> javax.validation.Configuration#classLoaderService(ClassLoaderService).

This is a more fundamental concern than BV, and I think it should be
raised on the JavaEE umbrella JSR list.  <http://javaee-spec.java.net>
jsr342-experts at javaee-spec.java.net.

HF> I created https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/BVAL-286. I really
HF> think such a service is beneficial outside the OSGi scope, but even
HF> there it is useful.

HF> Atm I see two main use cases - loading classes and leading resource
HF> bundles

HF> 	<T> Class<T> classForName(String  className);
HF>         ResourceBundle loadBundle(String bundleName, Locale locale);

>>>>> On Mon, 14 May 2012 16:57:14 +0200, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org> said:

EB> Note that neither your nor my solution differentiate classloading
EB> depending on what ought to be loaded.

And we also need to consider multi-tenant environments.  Perhaps we need
to pass in the tennant ID?


| edward.burns at oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage:               | http://ridingthecrest.com/

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