[bv-dev] Name for path nodes representing return values

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Fri Feb 8 09:53:20 EST 2013


I always liked $retval or maybe just retval. In the end we are also using arg0, arg1, etc. I like the shorter retval better than returnValue, because I think it fits better with arg<number>.
The '$' tried to denote somehow that this is a special name value, but I guess this could be just dropped. 


On 8 Jan 2013, at 12:51 PM, Gunnar Morling <gunnar at hibernate.org> wrote:

> Experts,
> another issue where we need some feedback is BVAL-368, which is about the name of path nodes representing return values.
> As per the current draft, Node#getName() returns null in that case. Question is, whether we should return something more meaningful, and if so, which value.
> The RI used to return "$retval" before we change this to match the spec. Another obvious option would be "returnValue". Having a standardized node name for return value nodes would also help with better toString() implementations for j.v.Path (although that's not standardized).
> Any thoughts?

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