[bv-dev] Node#getElementDescriptor() for user-created nodes

Matt Benson mbenson at apache.org
Fri Feb 8 12:08:09 EST 2013

Hmm, a third option for the elementClass of such a descriptor might be

I prefer option #3, followed by #4.


On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 5:17 AM, Gunnar Morling <gunnar at hibernate.org> wrote:

> Hi experts,
> One of the remaining issues on our way to 1.1 is BVAL-336 [1], which is
> about what to return from Node#getElementDescriptor() for nodes added by
> the user via the ConstraintViolationBuilder API.
> Note that as per the spec only sub paths can be created by the user, i.e.
> user added nodes always represent properties but e.g. no methods or
> parameters. Based on that, it seems right to return the correct
> PropertyDescriptor in case a user adds a node for an existing property.
> Things get tricky though when nodes are added for non-existent properties.
> Emmanuel, Hardy and I identified the following options to address this
> situation:
> #1 Disallow adding non-existent nodes
> In case a user adds a node but no property with that names exist, an
> exception is thrown. The problem is elegantly avoided that way, but we
> might break some 1.0 user code (currently the spec is not really clear
> whether added nodes must exist or not).
> #2 return null from getElementDescriptor()
> When invoking getElementDescriptor() on a Node representing a non-existent
> property, null could be returned. This seems consistent (there is no
> element), but causes additional null checking when traversing a path.
> #3 return a PropertyDescriptor from getElementDescriptor()
> Since all user-added nodes represent properties, a PropertyDescriptor
> could be returned. hasConstraints() would return false,
> getConstraintDescriptors() the empty set etc. This would allow to handle
> all nodes and their descriptors uniformly when traversing a path. Question
> is what to return from PropertyDescriptor#getElementClass(). Options are to
> return null (signaling that the property is non-existent) or Object.class.
> #4 return a VirtualDescriptor from getElementDescriptor()
> We could create a new Kind, VIRTUAL, and an accompanying type
> VirtualDescriptor and return an instance of this. Behavior of the methods
> on the descriptor would be basically the same as in #3; getKind() returning
> Kind.VIRTUAL would allow for a very explicit checking whether the node
> exists or not.
> Any feedback on the options (ideally with arguments pro/con) or other
> alternatives are highly welcome. As life goes, Emmanuel's, Hardy's and my
> preferences are equally distributed between these options :)
> Thanks,
> --Gunnar
> [1] https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/BVAL-336
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