[bv-dev] Creating custom nodes in cross-parameter constraint validators

Gunnar Morling gunnar at hibernate.org
Tue Feb 19 07:00:46 EST 2013


We added the method addParameterNode() to the node builder API, allowing
for the creation of custom subpaths in cross-parameter constraint

Currently such a path will look like this (the first two nodes are the
default ones, the remain ones are custom created nodes):


I'm wondering whether it wouldn't be better to get rid of the
cross-parameter node in this case:


E.g. when looking at the following example:

    public void resetPassword(String new, String old) { ... }

Then I think the following path might be what constraint authors want:

MethodNode("resetPassword") -> ParameterNode("old", arg1)

As it seems, the RI does the same when custom nodes are added in
class-level constraint validators (i.e. no node for the class-level
constraint will be part of the path). Shortly looking in the spec, I
couldn't find an example mandating this behavior, though.

Any thoughts?

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