[bv-dev] Configuring method validation

Michael Nascimento misterm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 04:15:22 EST 2013

I think BV should fully specify the behaviour, i.e., it should be some
sort of flag supported by our spec, not the technology consuming it.


On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:08 AM, Emmanuel Bernard
<emmanuel at hibernate.org> wrote:
> Trying to summarize here: should the mechanism used to choose which method
> is to be validated (all, non_getter, off) be defined by the integration
> technology or should it be defined by the Bean Validation spec.
> I see Gunnar's argument and I am not sure where to stand. My arguments
> against Gunnar's proposal are the following:
> - the behavior would be different depending on the integration technology
> used (Spring, CDI, JSR-303, possibly even managed beans - not sure of the
> consequences for managed beans)
> - I find it easier for a user to have all the control tools at his disposal
> from within the spec. In particular the global flag to set the default value
> naturally fits in validation.xml which would not really be possible if the
> integration technology takes ownership of this.
> You know our mantra has always been consistency across the whole app
> development. Like a famous ring,
> One Way to rule them all, One Way to constraint them,
> One Way to validate them all and in the EE spec bind them.
> On the other hands, inheritance rules for @ValidateOnCall across inherited
> methods, super types and the potentially future package level is really hard
> to define. But I don't think the integration technologies define them in a
> clear way either for our needs at least. In CDI, you can find the rules in
> chapter 4. http://docs.jboss.org/cdi/spec/1.1-PRD/pdf/cdi-spec.pdf. It's
> very much "chose whatever you want" IMO.
> Please, express your feedback even if not strong on the matter, we need to
> make a decision quickly. The deadline is approaching fast.
> Emmanuel
> On 15 janv. 2013, at 19:56, Gunnar Morling <gunnar at hibernate.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you know we're likely going to exclude getter methods from method
> validation by default and provide means of configuring the exact behavior
> (e.g. to have getters validated for individual types).
> The question is now how this configuration should look like and where it
> should be described. I think there is two separate components here:
> 1) BV which provides the logic/engine for performing method validation
> 2) Technologies integrating the method validation feature, e.g. CDI, Spring
> etc. For CDI, the behavior of this integration is described in the BV spec
> (section 10.2 [1]) as per the Java EE conventions. For e.g. Spring, the
> behavior would be described in the Spring documentation.
> Regarding the configuration of including/excluding getters, one option would
> be to define a BV-specific mechanism for the configuration of (e.g. a global
> option in validation.xml and/or an annotation like @ValidateOnCall). This
> mechanism would have to be queried by the technologies integrating with
> method validation.
> Alternatively, whether to include/exclude getters could be part of the
> configuration of 2). For CDI, this might e.g. happen by adding an attribute
> "validateGetters()" to the interceptor binding annotation triggering method
> validation, while e.g. Spring users might define an appropriate point cut
> expression matching all those methods they want to validate. For CDI we
> would again describe the exact means in section 10.2 of the BV spec.
> Personally I'd favor the latter approach for the following reasons:
> * The configuration of which methods to intercept is IMO a natural
> responsibility of integrating technologies
> * Integrating technologies already define mechanisms for handling things
> like inheritance of metadata (e.g. configuration given on super-types),
> resolving conflicts of global vs. local metadata etc. It makes sense to
> reuse these mechanisms instead of defining alternative rules in the BV spec.
> On the downside, one would be limited to the means of configuration provided
> by a particular integrating technology. E.g. I'm not aware of a way of
> global configuration options in CDI (we might try to get this changed,
> though). I still think this should be addressed in the integrating
> technology instead of BV.
> Any thoughts?
> --Gunnar
> [1] http://beanvalidation.org/latest-draft/spec/#d0e9636
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