[bv-dev] Bean Validation and JAX-RS: conversion too?

Edward Burns edward.burns at oracle.com
Fri Jul 12 16:27:23 EDT 2013

Hello Volunteers,

I've been viewing Emmanuel's videos about BV 1.1 and whenever he talks
about Bean Validation and JAX-RS, such as this

class UserResource {

  public void register(
    @NotEmpty @FormParam("firstname") String firstname,
    @NotEmpty @FormParam("lastname") String lastname,
    @NotNull @Email @FormParam("email") String email) { ... }

I have to ask myself, isn't this missing something?  What about

Before Bean Validation, JSF brought type conversion *and* validation to
the table.  Now that Bean Validation provides the validation part for
all of JavaEE, isn't it time we think about the other part: type

JSF has an elaborate conversion system with by-type conventions and also
the ability to manually declare that specific converters should be used
for specific values.  It's not a far cry to realize that we don't need
to limit ourselves to "String" for these arguments and there is a lot we
could do to enable arbitrary types and have Bean Validation handle the
conversion on the way in.

JAX-RS also has the javax.ws.rs.ext.ParamConverter facility, which
solves the conversion problem in a JAX-RS specific way.

Here we have two specs that do conversion.  I think it might be useful
to realize that type conversion is really just the first part of
validation, and therefore falls under the responsibility of Bean

Is this worth pursuing?



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