[bv-dev] Proposal for supporting new Java 8 date/time types
Gunnar Morling
gunnar at hibernate.org
Wed Sep 28 10:10:48 EDT 2016
2016-09-28 15:58 GMT+02:00 Michael Nascimento <misterm at gmail.com>:
> BTW, have you (any of you, not just Gunnar) read the new question I've
> added at the end of the proposal? That's the main use case with JSR-310 and
> BV that will be missing.
For reference, that's the question:
> One of the most common scenarios with date/time types (applies to ranges
of all types
> though) is to have a start and end property for which start must be
(sometimes equal or)
> greater than now and end must be (sometimes equal or) greater than start.
Are we not
> supporting this somehow?
There is no explicit support for this in the spec. Currently you'd have to
write your custom class-level constraint for this sort of cross-field
validation (or use something as @ScriptAssert from the RI).
I definitely see how it's a sore point.
> Michael
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Michael Nascimento <misterm at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 5:12 AM, Gunnar Morling <gunnar at hibernate.org>
>> wrote:
>>> > * What are the shortcomings meant by "2.1.1. Working around
>>>> limitations in
>>>> > ConstraintValidator that prevent the above strategy"?
>>>> All those sections without content are still to be written. In this
>>>> case, according to the spec, there is no way to write a
>>>> PastTemporalAccessorComparableConstraintValidator extends
>>>> ConstraintValidator<Past, ? extends TemporalAccessor & Comparable<?>>
>>>> or something like it, which is the natural choice. Making it just
>>>> "extends ConstraintValidator<TemporalAccessor>" won't make it fail at
>>>> the right phase if @Past is applied to a non-Comparable
>>>> TemporalAccessor. I have a few ideas on how to address that, but maybe
>>>> now you can get thinking too :-)
>>> Ok, got you.
>>> That'd only be a problem though if you wanted to write a single
>>> validator implementation for all of them, right? I'm wondering whether one
>>> wouldn't use several more specific implementations anyways, given one needs
>>> to invoke a specific static now() method?
>> Ideally we'd want to use a single implementation since it automatically
>> add supports for any custom TemporalAccessor out there, including
>> ThreeTen-Extra or project specific ones (I've written a few of them).
>> I've listed a few available at ThreeTen-Extra in the version I've sent
>> two days ago:
>> https://github.com/sjmisterm/beanvalidation.org/blob/patch-1
>> /proposals/BVAL-496.adoc
>>>> > * What do you have in mind with regards to "2.4. "Simple"
>>>> TemporalAmount
>>>> > implementations support"?
>>>> These are TemporalAmount(s) with a single unit. For these, @Max and
>>>> @Min support should work for the single unit they support.
>>> Ah, seeing now that Duration and Period implement these. I don't think I
>>> like @Max/@Min for these as it's not clear what the unit of the expected
>>> value is.
>> Duration and Period are *not* TemporalAmount(s) with a single unit. I was
>> talking about classes such as:
>> http://www.threeten.org/threeten-extra/apidocs/org/threeten/
>> extra/Days.html
>>> New constraints may be more useful here:
>>> public void save(@MaxDuration(value=60, unit=ChronoUnit.SECONDS)
>>> Duration d) { ... }
>> Exactly, even though we should name it around TemporalAmount or
>> ChronoUnit :-)
>> > * Regarding Duration/Period, how about handling this separately? It
>>>> seems we
>>> > could add this in a second step, allowing to align quickly on the
>>>> > @Future/@Past additions and add support for it to the RI.
>>>> Your call :-) I was just trying to consolidate everything about
>>>> JSR-310 in a single proposal; there's nothing wrong with splitting it.
>>> Ok, I'd say if think you can come up with something for this quickly, go
>>> for it. Otherwise let's keep it separately. It'd be nice to have a first
>>> cut of stuff we can take and provide support for in the RI.
>> Let's see how much we can evolve this week.
>>> Thanks a lot for your effort, Michael, that's much appreciated!
>> That's what I've signed up for ;-)
>> Regards,
>> Michael
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