JBoss-AS-5.0.x-TestSuite-sun15 - Build # 772 - Unstable!

jboss-qa-internal at redhat.com jboss-qa-internal at redhat.com
Wed Jul 30 05:18:36 EDT 2008

JBoss-AS-5.0.x-TestSuite-sun15 - Build # 772 - Unstable:

Check console output at https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson//job/JBoss-AS-5.0.x-TestSuite-sun15/772 to view the results.

Modifications since last build:

[smcgowan at redhat.com] JBAS-5812 - updated badPackages

[sguilhen at redhat.com] JBAS-5814: Moved JBossASSecurityMetadataStore to messaging-jboss-beans.xml, injecting the SecurityManagement instance to be used. The metadata application policy has also been moved from the login-config.xml to the messaging-jboss-beans.

[smcgowan at redhat.com] JBAS-5803 - updates needed

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