JBoss-AS-6.0.x-compatibilityMatrix - Build # 64 - Fixed!

jboss-qa-internal at redhat.com jboss-qa-internal at redhat.com
Tue May 12 22:02:17 EDT 2009

JBoss-AS-6.0.x-compatibilityMatrix - Build # 64 - Fixed:

Check console output at https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson//job/JBoss-AS-6.0.x-compatibilityMatrix/64 to view the results.

Modifications since last build:

[bstansberry at jboss.com] Javadoc

[anil.saldhana at jboss.com] JBAS-6710: merge 88676 from Branch_5_x

[bstansberry at jboss.com] [JBAS-6875] Have the naming service write its connection URL to data dir
[JBAS-6903] Upgrade Naming to 5.0.3.GA

[anil.saldhana at jboss.com] JBAS-6905: merge rev 88759. from Branch_5_x

[bstansberry at jboss.com] [JBAS-6864] Split up the tests into one test per class

[anil.saldhana at jboss.com] increase mem

[anil.saldhana at jboss.com] JBAS-6894: merge in rev 88746. from Branch_5_x

[jaikiran] JBAS-6883 Upgraded EJB3 to 1.1.5 release

[wolfc] JBAS-6904: merged 88705: ban org.hibernate:hibernate

[jaikiran] JBAS-6887 ejb3-endpoint-deployers introduced into the AS

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