JBoss-AS-6.0.x-compatibilityMatrix - Build # 279 - Fixed!

jboss-qa-internal at redhat.com jboss-qa-internal at redhat.com
Fri Feb 12 21:23:32 EST 2010

JBoss-AS-6.0.x-compatibilityMatrix - Build # 279 - Fixed:

Check console output at $PUBLIC_HUDSON_URL/job/JBoss-AS-6.0.x-compatibilityMatrix/279 to view the results.

Modifications since last build:

[pgier] [JBAS-7732] Add VersionRelease configuration to release profile.

[anil.saldhana at jboss.com] JBAS-7731: upgrade to JBossXACML 2.0.5.CR1 to remove the direct dependence on Apache Xalan

[richard.opalka at jboss.com] [JBAS-2073] removing xalan.jar and serializer.jar from endorsed directory. Now they live in both client/ and common/lib/ folders

[richard.opalka at jboss.com] [JBAS-7729] JBossWS 3.3.0.Beta3 upgrade

[david.lloyd at jboss.com] JBAS-7510 - Nuke jmx-remoting

[smcgowan at redhat.com] JBAS-7707 - update admin-console to 1.4.0.Beta1

[david.lloyd at jboss.com] Add jboss-stdio to testsuite so JCA works

[david.lloyd at jboss.com] Remove dependency on jboss-logging-log4j, using stdio instead

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