Build failed in Hudson: jboss-aop-head-jbossas-branch_5_x #109

jboss-qa-internal at jboss-qa-internal at
Fri Mar 19 00:43:12 EDT 2010

See <>


[flavia.rainone at] [JBAOP-772] Added jboss-classpool jars to aop release.

[...truncated 5381 lines...]
     [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] [INFO] [enforcer:enforce {execution: enforce-versions}]
     [java] [INFO] [site:attach-descriptor]
     [java] [INFO] Preparing source:jar
     [java] [WARNING] Removing: jar from forked lifecycle, to prevent recursive invocation.
     [java] [INFO] [enforcer:enforce {execution: enforce-versions}]
     [java] [INFO] [source:jar {execution: attach-sources}]
     [java] [INFO] [install:install]
     [java] [INFO] Installing <> to /home/hudson/.m2/repository/org/jboss/aop/docs/jboss-aop-docs/2.1.0-SNAPSHOT/jboss-aop-docs-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
     [java] [INFO] 
     [java] [INFO] 
     [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] [INFO] Reactor Summary:
     [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] [INFO] jbossaop_reference .................................... SUCCESS [1:08.667s]
     [java] [INFO] jbossaop_userguide .................................... SUCCESS [24.959s]
     [java] [INFO] jbossaop_quickref ..................................... SUCCESS [15.856s]
     [java] [INFO] JBoss AOP Docs ........................................ SUCCESS [5.192s]
     [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [java] [INFO] Total time: 1 minute 57 seconds
     [java] [INFO] Finished at: Fri Mar 19 00:41:14 EDT 2010
     [java] [INFO] Final Memory: 16M/97M
     [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
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     [copy] Warning: html/bindings.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/cflow-stack.html modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/css/documentation.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/css/jbossorg.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/css/reports.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/dyna-cflow.html modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/images/caution.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/caution.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/community_doc.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/documentation.png modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/images/dot2.png modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/images/important.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/important.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/jboss-logo.svg modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/images/jbossorglogo_jira.png modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/images/note.svg modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/images/tip.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/tip.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/title_hdr.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/warning.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/warning.svg modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/images/watermark-pre-release-candidate.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images/watermark-release-candidate.png modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/interceptors.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/metadata-loader.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/metadata.html modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/pointcuts.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/prepare.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/quickref-intro.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/quickref-ref.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/stacks.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/typedef.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/dirty.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/docnav.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/documentation.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/jbossorg.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/reports.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/bkg_gradient.gif modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/callout.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/caution.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/caution.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/community_doc.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/documentation.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/dot.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/dot2.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/filterball.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/important.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/important.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/jboss-logo.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/jbossorglogo.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/jbossorglogo_jira.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/note.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/note.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/placeholder.txt modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/red-bg.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/redhat-logo.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/rhlogo.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/shine.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/stock-go-back.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/stock-go-forward.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/stock-go-up.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/stock-home.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/tip.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/tip.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/title_hdr.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/warning.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/warning.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-alpha1.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-alpha2.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-beta1.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-beta2.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-pre-release-candidate.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-release-candidate.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/index.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: pdf/jbossaop_quickref.pdf modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning:  modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/images modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: pdf modified in the future.
     [copy] Copying 101 files to <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [copy] Warning: html/annotations.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/annotations2.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/annotations3.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aop.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-install.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-intro.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial-bind.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial-class.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial-interceptor.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial-navigation-advised.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial-navigation-aspect-manager.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial-navigation-members.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial-navigation.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial-project.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial-running.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide-tutorial.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/aopide.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/apis.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/dynamic.html modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/exception.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/index.html modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/integration1.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/introductions.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/intros.html modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/mock.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/multi.html modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html/required.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/testing.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html/testing1.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/dirty.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/docnav.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/documentation.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/jbossorg.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css/reports.css modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/advised-marker-example.jpg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/advised-members-view.jpg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/after-initial-setup.jpg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/aspect-manager-view-interceptor-ctxt-menu.jpg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/aspect-manager-view-pointcut-ctxt-menu.jpg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/bkg_gradient.gif modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/call-me-arrow.jpg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/callout.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/caution.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/caution.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/community_doc.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/documentation.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/dot.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/dot2.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/filterball.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/hello-aop-console.jpg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/important.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/important.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/jboss-logo.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/jbossorglogo.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/jbossorglogo_jira.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/note.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/note.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/red-bg.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/redhat-logo.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/rhlogo.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/shine.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/stock-go-back.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/stock-go-forward.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/stock-go-up.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/stock-home.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/tip.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/tip.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/title_hdr.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/warning.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/warning.svg modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-alpha1.png modified in the future.
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     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-beta1.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-beta2.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-pre-release-candidate.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/images/watermark-release-candidate.png modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/index.html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning:  modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single modified in the future.
     [copy] Warning: html_single/css modified in the future.
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     [copy] Copying 141 files to <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [copy] Copying 7 files to <>

      [zip] Building zip: <>
     [move] Moving 1 file to <>

Total time: 11 minutes 2 seconds
+ cd ../../
+ svn co
svn: URL '' doesn't exist
Terminating xvnc.
[jboss-aop-head-jbossas-branch_5_x] $ vncserver -kill :13
Killing Xvnc process ID 18206
kill 18206: No such process
Recording test results
Archiving artifacts

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