[Failure] jbosstools-nightly-3.2 #257

jboss-qa-internal at redhat.com jboss-qa-internal at redhat.com
Thu May 27 19:35:40 EDT 2010




Failed Tests:

All tests passed



[nickboldt] JBIDE-6381 increment .tags files to correct levels for JBT 3.2.0.M1 and JBDS 4.0.0.M1


Console log:

[...truncated 143653 lines...]
  [pack200] Adding eclipse/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.3.0.v201005271641N-H257-M1.jar to updateSite/updateSitePackTmp/output/Master.zip.temp
  [pack200] Processing updateSite/updateSitePackTmp/input/Master.zip
  [pack200] Extracting eclipse/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper_3.3.0.v201005271641N-H257-M1.jar
  [pack200] Running Repack on updateSite/updateSitePackTmp/output/temp_Master.zip/eclipse/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper_3.3.0.v201005271641N-H257-M1.jar
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] Running Pack on /qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/jbosstools-nightly-3.2/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/product/updateSite/updateSitePackTmp/output/temp_Master.zip/org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper_3.3.0.v201005271641N-H257-M1.jar
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] Adding eclipse/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper_3.3.0.v201005271641N-H257-M1.jar.pack.gz to updateSite/updateSitePackTmp/output/Master.zip.temp
  [pack200] Adding eclipse/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper_3.3.0.v201005271641N-H257-M1.jar to updateSite/updateSitePackTmp/output/Master.zip.temp
  [pack200] Processing updateSite/updateSitePackTmp/input/Master.zip
  [pack200] Extracting eclipse/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse_3.3.0.v201005271641N-H257-M1.jar
  [pack200] Running Repack on updateSite/updateSitePackTmp/output/temp_Master.zip/eclipse/plugins/org.hibernate.eclipse_3.3.0.v201005271641N-H257-M1.jar
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/ejb3-persistence.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/hibernate-annotations.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/hibernate-entitymanager.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/hibernate-validator.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/bsh-core-2.0b4.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/antlr-2.7.6.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/asm-attrs.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/asm.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/c3p0-0.9.1.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/cglib-2.2.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/commons-collections-3.1.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 4: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/concurrent-1.3.2.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/connector.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/dom4j-1.6.1.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/ehcache-1.2.3.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/hibernate-jmx.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 0: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 4: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/hibernate3.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/jaas.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 2: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/javassist.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/jboss-cache.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/jboss-common.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 0: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/jboss-jmx.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/jboss-system.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 4: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/jgroups-2.2.8.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 4: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/jta.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/log4j-1.2.15.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/oscache-2.1.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/proxool-0.8.3.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/slf4j-log4j12-1.5.8.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 2: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 2: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/swarmcache-1.0rc2.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/tools/bsh-2.0b1.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/tools/freemarker.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/tools/hibernate-tools.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 1: class.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/tools/jtidy-r8-20060801.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 4: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: org.hibernate.eclipse.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] Running Pack on /qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/jbosstools-nightly-3.2/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/product/updateSite/updateSitePackTmp/output/temp_Master.zip/org.hibernate.eclipse_3.3.0.v201005271641N-H257-M1.jar
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/ejb3-persistence.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/hibernate-annotations.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/hibernate-entitymanager.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/annotations/hibernate-validator.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/bsh-core-2.0b4.jar
  [pack200] STDOUT: Legacy package version
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 5: field.Synthetic[]
  [pack200] STDOUT: Fixing new attribute at 6: method.Synthetic[]
  [pack200]   Processing nested file: lib/hibernate/antlr-2.7.6.jar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/archives/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/as/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/hibernate-tools/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/jbpm-convert/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/jmx/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/bpel/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/common/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/struts/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/jsf/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/jst/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/seam/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/drools-ide/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/vpe/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/esb/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/freemarker/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/birt/classes.properties
No plot data file found: jbds-build/*/*/tests/test-results/emma-coverage/smooks/classes.properties
Email was triggered for: Failure
There are 1 triggered emails.
Sending email for trigger: Failure


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