[cdi-dev] Fwd: [weld-dev] @Alternative VS multiproject

Pete Muir pmuir at redhat.com
Wed Dec 7 04:58:29 EST 2011

Moving to cdi-dev.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Geoffrey De Smet <ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com>
> Subject: [weld-dev] @Alternative VS multiproject
> Date: 6 December 2011 15:16:07 GMT
> To: weld-dev at lists.jboss.org
> One promise of @Alternative beans is to make it easier to mock out 
> things during testing.
> In practice there are some problems to make that a reality.
> For example, suppose we have this:
> - foo-database-layer.jar
> -- org/.../ProductionDatabaseSetup.class
> --- Description: connects to the database on localhost (which is only 
> there on production).
> -- org/.../TestDatabaseSetup.class
> --- @Alternative
> --- extends ProductionDatabaseSetup
> --- Description: connects to an in-memory database and inserts testdata 
> in it.
> - CustomerDAO
> -- @Inject DatabaseSetup databaseSetup;
> -- META-INF/beans.xml
> --- Filled with other stuff
> - foo-server.war
> -- WEB-INF/lib/foo-database-layer.jar
> -- WEB-INF/beans.xml
> --- Filled with other stuff
> Now, during the integrations tests of foo-server.war, we want to
> replace ProductionDatabaseSetup with TestDatabaseSetup.
> How?
> 1) Add a WEB-INF/beans-test.xml (just like logback-test.xml and logback.xml)
> => Does not work. It's ignored.
> 2) Change WEB-INF/beans.xml for the tests only.
> Duplicate everything from the original.
> Add declaration: <alternative>...TestDatabaseSetup</alternative>
> => Does not work. CustomerDAO still gets ProductionDatabaseSetup instead 
> of TestDatabaseSetup.
> 3) Change WEB-INF/lib/foo-database-layer.jar!META-INF/beans.xml for the 
> tests only.
> Duplicate everything from the original.
> Add declaration: <alternative>...TestDatabaseSetup</alternative>
> => Lots of code and tests are slow because of all the zipping and unzipping.
> -- 
> With kind regards,
> Geoffrey De Smet
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