[cdi-dev] Lifecycle Callback Interceptor and @Target "METHOD"

Jens Schumann jens.schumann at openknowledge.de
Tue Jun 18 16:15:44 EDT 2013

Hi all,

(I have been way too busy to comment on this, and I have the impression
that my WELD bug report was too late already).

Jozef closed my bug report [1] stating that the new interceptor spec now
contains the following sentence:

"With the exception of AroundConstruct lifecycle callback interceptors, an
interceptor for lifecycle callbacks may only declare interceptor binding
types that are defined as Target(TYPE)."

>From what I understood this sentence went into the interceptor spec
because of JIRA issue "Recent changes to how lifecycle event interceptors
are bound introduce questionable behavior" [2]. What is interesting here
is that a questionable behavior led to a strict ban instead of a "non
portable" declaration. I know this is the wrong mailing list - but
wouldn't you expect a non portable declaration in such a situation?

What is more frustrating here is that the spec prohibits a feature that
works with both WELD and OWB.

In my case the new interceptor spec now requires two annotations if I want
to apply the same behavior to a lifecycle callback AND a business method.

Since the new interceptor spec is a maintenance release it should be easy
to fix, shouldn't it? ;)

[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WELD-1416
[2] https://java.net/jira/browse/INTERCEPTORS_SPEC-20

Am 11.06.13 15:56 schrieb "Martin Kouba" unter <mkouba at redhat.com>:

>Hi Radim,
>no, adding @AroundConstruct callback does not help. The statement Jozef
>is referencing means: An interceptor for @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
>lifecycle callbacks may only declare interceptor binding types that are
>defined as Target(TYPE). The PerformanceInterceptor declares
>@PostConstruct callback and that's why the @Measure interceptor binding
>has to defined as Target(TYPE).
>Dne 11.6.2013 14:01, Radim Hanuš napsal(a):
>> Hi,
>> I just went through this thread and corresponding issue WELD-1416
>> <https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WELD-1416> and still not clear for me
>> Josef Hartinger referenced a statement from the current version of spec:
>> "With the exception of AroundConstruct lifecycle callback interceptors,
>> an interceptor for lifecycle callbacks may only declare interceptor
>> binding types that are defined as Target(TYPE)."
>> but does it mean that adding @AroundConstruct callback interceptor into
>> class PerformanceInterceptor prevents from DefinitionException ?
>> or in such case there should be only @AroundConstruct defined and none
>> of both @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy ?
>> enhanced sample of Jens Schumann:
>> @Interceptor
>> @Measure
>> public class PerformanceInterceptor implements Serializable {
>> @AroundInvoke
>> public Object measure(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception { ... }
>> @PostConstruct
>> public void measureCreate(InvocationContext ctx) { ... }
>> *@AroundConstruct*
>> Object onAroundConstruct(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {...}
>> }
>> @InterceptorBinding
>> @Target({*ElementType.METHOD*, ElementType.TYPE})
>> @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
>> @Inherited
>> public @interface Measure {
>> }
>> thanx for clarification,
>> Radim
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