[cdi-dev] Spec launch meeting and CDI weekly meeting

Antoine Sabot-Durand antoine at sabot-durand.net
Fri Aug 29 09:32:37 EDT 2014

Hi All,

On CDI 1.1, we use to have a weekly meeting each monday at 16:00 UTC (that’s 9:00 am PDT, 6:00 pm CEST and 9:30 pm  IST). It’s hard to find a time slot that please everybody (from US West Coast to India), so Ir propose we keep this track. Now, if you have issue with this slot (if you live in New Zealand or Australia) say it and we’ll try to figure out a better slot (even if there’s no ideal one).

The meeting place is the IRC channel and last one hour. We use an IRC bot (jbott) to keep track of meeting minutes for the record or people unable to attend the meeting. You can get familiarised with BOT commands here : 
https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot <https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot>

So I propose we have our JSR launch meeting next monday (sept 1st) with the following agenda :

- Discussion on the working method and tools used (mainly do we use Google Drive or Github with Asciidoc for working doc)
- Discussion on each workshop I mentioned in my previous post and missing workshop
 	* Workshop teams
	* Workflow chosen
	* estimated deadline (hard to say since we don’t know our workforce, but will be refined later)
- Q & A if we still have time 

Note that It think we should avoid talking about specific content of workshop except if you think things are missing or that we could forgot them.
If you want to see other points in the agenda let me know.

I’m thrilled to start this great project with you guys.

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