[cdi-dev] Standrdization of option to disable CDI for all app modules in single file?

Ondrej Mihályi ondrej.mihalyi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 18:04:13 EDT 2016

Possted also on Java EE mailing list:

2016-03-15 18:19 GMT+01:00 Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibucau at gmail.com>:

> Hi Ondrej,
> would it be possible to push it on ee list too? Scanning is not limited to
> CDI and at EE level EJB, Servlet etc... can get the exact same issue. A
> global scanning config would benefit the whole platform and CDI could just
> reuse it when not in EE.
> Romain Manni-Bucau
> @rmannibucau <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau> |  Blog
> <http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com> | Github
> <https://github.com/rmannibucau> | LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau> | Tomitriber
> <http://www.tomitribe.com>
> 2016-03-15 18:12 GMT+01:00 Ondrej Mihályi <ondrej.mihalyi at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> Some Java EE 6 apps still have issues with implicit scanning, even though
>> they don't use guava and sometimes it is not possible to put beans.xml file
>> into the problematic JARs. People are having issues with this when
>> migrating to Glassfish 4 or Payara from Glassfish 3.
>> With Payara server, we are thinking of creating an option in
>> server-specific app descriptor to disable CDI completely either for whole
>> application or just for specific modules.
>> <https://javaee-wg.slack.com/archives/cdi2_0-jsr-365/p1458060907000004>
>> I think it would make sense to consider some standardization of this
>> approach in CDI 2, as I've seen issues with this on stackoverflow also with
>> other app servers. Or is it already planned?
>> Ondrej
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