[cdi-dev] Destroying @Stateless proxies obtained via CDI.current().select()

arjan tijms arjan.tijms at gmail.com
Wed May 11 05:20:59 EDT 2016


On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Martin Kouba <mkouba at redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi Arjan,
> the test attached to WELD-2148 is wrong. We can not inspect an actual SLSB
> instance. The only thing we could test is that Instance.destroy() does not
> throw UnsupportedException for SLSB CDI reference.

I see, thanks for the clarification!

Going forward, would it not be convenient if an Instance was AutoCloseable,
so that one could do:

try (Instance<Foo> fooInstance = CDI.current().select(Foo.class)) {
    Foo foo = fooInstance.get();

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

> Martin
> Dne 11.5.2016 v 10:40 arjan tijms napsal(a):
>> Hi Martin,
>> Thanks for the swift action and the reference. I do have one more
>> question looking at the test that was added. It now uses this SLSB:
>> @Stateless
>> public class SLSessionBean {
>>      public void ping(){
>>      }
>>      static final AtomicBoolean DESTROYED = new AtomicBoolean();
>>      @PreDestroy
>>      public void destroy() {
>>          DESTROYED.set(true);
>>      }
>> }
>> The assertion in the test is that the (a?) SLSB is actually destroyed,
>> but wasn't the idea that only the internal reference is destroyed, and
>> the bean just stays in the pool?
>> Here it looks like the code intends to destroy a random SLSB instance
>> from the pool. (random, since I guess an internal reference doesn't
>> stick to the same actual instance of a SLSB, otherwise you would get
>> stateful like semantics).
>> Or did I miss something?
>> Kind regards,
>> Arjan Tijms
>> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 9:11 AM, Martin Kouba <mkouba at redhat.com
>> <mailto:mkouba at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi Arjan,
>>     I believe it's a Weld bug - you should be able to use
>>     Instance.destroy() to discard an internal SLSB proxy. See also
>>     "Lifecycle of stateless and singleton session beans" [1]. Tomas
>>     Remes created WELD-2148 to track this issue [2].
>>     Also the "leak" is an expected behaviour. See for example WELD-920
>>     [3] discussion.
>>     Martin
>>     [1]
>>     http://docs.jboss.org/cdi/spec/1.2/cdi-spec.html#stateless_lifecycle
>>     [2]
>>     https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WELD-2148
>>     [3]
>>     https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WELD-920
>>     Dne 10.5.2016 v 17:11 arjan tijms napsal(a):
>>         Hi,
>>         Given a simple @Stateless bean:
>>         @Stateless
>>         public class Foo {
>>               public void bar() {}
>>         }
>>         Then requesting an instance of this via CDI as follows:
>>         Foo foo = CDI.current().select(Foo.class).get();
>>         Causes a lot of leaked proxy instances (at least on Weld). Now
>>         what I
>>         guess needs to be done is destroying the proxy, taking Antoine's
>>         answer
>>         here as a lead:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28767536/scope-of-stateless-bean
>>         Only the following throws an UnsupportedOperationException (on
>> Weld
>>         2.3.2, haven't tested OWB yet)
>>         Instance<Foo> fooInstance =CDI.current().select(Foo.class);
>>         Foo foo = fooInstance.get();
>>         foo.bar();
>>         fooInstance.destroy(foo);
>>         The question is, is this how it's supposed to be done via the
>> spec?
>>         Implementation wise, what happens in Weld is that the CDI/EJB
>> proxy
>>         (com.test.Foo$Proxy$_$$_Weld$EnterpriseProxy$) in the following
>> code
>>         doesn't hit the check for a dependent instance (comments in
>> capitals
>>         added by me):
>>               public void destroy(T instance) {
>>                   Preconditions.checkNotNull(instance);
>>                   // check if this is a proxy of a normal-scoped bean
>>                   if (instance instanceof ProxyObject) {
>>                       // THIS BRANCH IS TAKEN FOR CDI/EJB PROXY
>>                       ProxyObject proxy = (ProxyObject) instance;
>>                       if (proxy.getHandler() instanceof
>>         ProxyMethodHandler) {
>>                           ProxyMethodHandler handler =
>> (ProxyMethodHandler)
>>         proxy.getHandler();
>>                           Bean<?> bean = handler.getBean();
>>                           Context context =
>>         getBeanManager().getContext(bean.getScope());
>>                           if (context instanceof AlterableContext) {
>>                               AlterableContext alterableContext =
>>         (AlterableContext) context;
>>                               // CONTEXT IS A DEPENDENTCONTEXTIMPL THAT
>>         THROWS
>>                               // UnsupportedOperationException FROM ITS
>>         DESTROY()
>>         METHOD
>>                               alterableContext.destroy(bean);
>>                               return;
>>                           } else {
>>                               throw
>>         BeanLogger.LOG.destroyUnsupported(context);
>>                           }
>>                       }
>>                   }
>>                   // check if this is a dependent instance
>>                   CreationalContext<? super T> ctx =
>> getCreationalContext();
>>                   if (ctx instanceof WeldCreationalContext<?>) {
>>                       WeldCreationalContext<? super T> weldCtx =
>> cast(ctx);
>>                       // PROXY REFERENCES ARE KEPT HERE IN A
>>                       // "dependentInstances" LIST, AND WOULD BE CLEARED
>>         HERE
>>                       // BUT THIS CODE IS NEVER REACHED
>>                       weldCtx.destroyDependentInstance(instance);
>>                   }
>>               }
>>         Now I wonder, am I doing something wrong (according to the CDI
>>         spec), or
>>         could this be a bug in the Weld code?
>>         Kind regards,
>>         Arjan Tijms
>>         _______________________________________________
>>         cdi-dev mailing list
>>         cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org <mailto:cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org>
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>>         Note that for all code provided on this list, the provider
>>         licenses the code under the Apache License, Version 2
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>>         other intellectual property rights inherent in such information.
>>     --
>>     Martin Kouba
>>     Software Engineer
>>     Red Hat, Czech Republic
> --
> Martin Kouba
> Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Czech Republic
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