[cdi-dev] Finding a new name for InterceptorProxyFactory
Emily Jiang
EMIJIANG at uk.ibm.com
Mon Nov 14 05:41:55 EST 2016
I looked at the methods under *InterceptionFactory*. To me, it sounds
better to rename it to InterceptorConfigurator as it has .configure() plus
it configures or wraps the classes.
Many thanks,
Emily Jiang
WebSphere Application Server, CDI Development Lead
MP 211, DE3A20, Winchester, Hampshire, England, SO21 2JN
Phone: +44 (0)1962 816278 Internal: 246278
Email: emijiang at uk.ibm.com
Lotus Notes: Emily Jiang/UK/IBM at IBMGB
From: John Ament <john.ament at spartasystems.com>
To: Antoine Sabot-Durand <antoine at sabot-durand.net>, cdi-dev
<cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org>
Date: 08/11/2016 17:17
Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] Finding a new name for
Sent by: cdi-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org
I can't think of any, just want to make sure no one else was.
From: Antoine Sabot-Durand <antoine at sabot-durand.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 12:04 PM
To: John Ament; cdi-dev
Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] Finding a new name for InterceptorProxyFactory
On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 2:38 PM John Ament <john.ament at spartasystems.com>
If the only use case is for inceptors, I agree to InterceptionFactory.
What other use case you are thinking of John?
From: cdi-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org <cdi-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org> on
behalf of Werner Keil <werner.keil at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 8:30 AM
To: cdi-dev
Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] Finding a new name for InterceptorProxyFactory
+1 for InterceptionFactory, too.
It sounds simpler.
On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 2:29 PM, <cdi-dev-request at lists.jboss.org> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Finding a new name for InterceptorProxyFactory (Mark Struberg)
2. Re: Finding a new name for InterceptorProxyFactory
(Antoine Sabot-Durand)
3. Re: Finding a new name for InterceptorProxyFactory
(Romain Manni-Bucau)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2016 16:58:04 +0000 (UTC)
From: Mark Struberg <struberg at yahoo.de>
Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] Finding a new name for InterceptorProxyFactory
To: Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibucau at gmail.com>, Antoine Sabot-Durand
<antoine at sabot-durand.net>
Cc: cdi-dev <cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org>
Message-ID: <421014798.1728352.1478537884045 at mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
InterceptionFactory sounds fine for me.
On Monday, 7 November 2016, 15:55, Romain Manni-Bucau <
rmannibucau at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hello Antoine,
>concurrency-utilities use ContextFactory for something pretty close (a
proxying adding spec features over invocations) which is less "cglib-like"
than "Enhancer" so I'd like to keep Factory. In the list
InterceptionFactory looks clear enough. We neevr speak of business method
anymore I think so it would add a difficulty for something very useful to
go that deep in the naming I think.
>Romain Manni-Bucau
>@rmannibucau | Blog | Old Blog | Github | LinkedIn | JavaEE Factory
>2016-11-07 15:44 GMT+01:00 Antoine Sabot-Durand <antoine at sabot-durand.net
>Hi all,
>>In my last review for CDI-580 (https://github.com/cdi-spec/
cdi/pull/315), I removed all reference to proxies in Javadoc and spec doc
following various feedback.
>>So now the name of the interface is the only one dealing with Proxy, so
we really need to find it a new name.
>>I listed some proposal in PR 315:
>>- InstanceEnhancer (short but not very clear)
>>- BusinessMethodInvocationFactor y (more exact from spec pov, but is it
clear from user pov?)
>>- InterceptionFactory (cleared from user pov and near our initial name)
>>- InterceptionEnhancer
>>Feedback and other names are welcome.
>>______________________________ _________________
>>cdi-dev mailing list
>>cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org
>>https://lists.jboss.org/ mailman/listinfo/cdi-dev
>>Note that for all code provided on this list, the provider licenses the
code under the Apache License, Version 2 (http://www.apache.org/
licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html). For all other ideas provided on this list, the
provider waives all patent and other intellectual property rights inherent
in such information.
>cdi-dev mailing list
>cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org
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provided on this list, the provider waives all patent and other
intellectual property rights inherent in such information.
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2016 13:24:28 +0000
From: Antoine Sabot-Durand <antoine at sabot-durand.net>
Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] Finding a new name for InterceptorProxyFactory
To: Mark Struberg <struberg at yahoo.de>, Romain Manni-Bucau
<rmannibucau at gmail.com>
Cc: cdi-dev <cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org>
u_Xfhs48tUcBCOw_TiAw at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+1 for InterceptionFactory as well. I change my PR with this name.
Romain, for the record, mentioning "business method invocation" and
paragraph 7.2 is the only mean to bind this feature to the spec without
mentioning implementation specific stuff like proxies. That's why the
javadoc and text for this new section lack clarity. In other word we lack
simple name for instances on which "methods invocation" are "business
methods invocation".
On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 5:58 PM Mark Struberg <struberg at yahoo.de> wrote:
> InterceptionFactory sounds fine for me.
> LieGrue,
> strub
> On Monday, 7 November 2016, 15:55, Romain Manni-Bucau <
> rmannibucau at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >Hello Antoine,
> >
> >
> >concurrency-utilities use ContextFactory for something pretty close (a
> proxying adding spec features over invocations) which is less
> than "Enhancer" so I'd like to keep Factory. In the list
> InterceptionFactory looks clear enough. We neevr speak of business
> anymore I think so it would add a difficulty for something very useful
> go that deep in the naming I think.
> >
> >
> >
> >Romain Manni-Bucau
> >@rmannibucau | Blog | Old Blog | Github | LinkedIn | JavaEE Factory
> >
> >2016-11-07 15:44 GMT+01:00 Antoine Sabot-Durand <
antoine at sabot-durand.net
> >:
> >
> >Hi all,
> >>
> >>
> >>In my last review for CDI-580 (https://github.com/cdi-spec/
> cdi/pull/315), I removed all reference to proxies in Javadoc and spec
> following various feedback.
> >>So now the name of the interface is the only one dealing with Proxy,
> we really need to find it a new name.
> >>I listed some proposal in PR 315:
> >>- InstanceEnhancer (short but not very clear)
> >>- BusinessMethodInvocationFactor y (more exact from spec pov, but is
> clear from user pov?)
> >>- InterceptionFactory (cleared from user pov and near our initial
> >>- InterceptionEnhancer
> >>
> >>
> >>Feedback and other names are welcome.
> >>
> >>
> >>Antoine
> >>______________________________ _________________
> >>cdi-dev mailing list
> >>cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org
> >>https://lists.jboss.org/ mailman/listinfo/cdi-dev
> >>
> >>Note that for all code provided on this list, the provider licenses
> code under the Apache License, Version 2 (http://www.apache.org/
> licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html). For all other ideas provided on this list,
> provider waives all patent and other intellectual property rights
> in such information.
> >>
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >cdi-dev mailing list
> >cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org
> >https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/cdi-dev
> >
> >Note that for all code provided on this list, the provider licenses the
> code under the Apache License, Version 2 (
> http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html). For all other ideas
> provided on this list, the provider waives all patent and other
> intellectual property rights inherent in such information.
> >
> >
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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2016 14:28:27 +0100
From: Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibucau at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] Finding a new name for InterceptorProxyFactory
To: Antoine Sabot-Durand <antoine at sabot-durand.net>
Cc: cdi-dev <cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org>
7N-q9Uk9F2JuAU9f4T5wb8u26MMJ_LbNNhd1LkeQxvcWg at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
2016-11-08 14:24 GMT+01:00 Antoine Sabot-Durand <antoine at sabot-durand.net
> +1 for InterceptionFactory as well. I change my PR with this name.
> Romain, for the record, mentioning "business method invocation" and
> paragraph 7.2 is the only mean to bind this feature to the spec without
> mentioning implementation specific stuff like proxies. That's why the
> javadoc and text for this new section lack clarity. In other word we
lack a
> simple name for instances on which "methods invocation" are "business
> methods invocation".
Agree and it fits the spec but since EJB I never heard any developer (not
developping weld or openwebbeans) using this term so for the API it would
be rude IMHO - was the point, nothing more.
> Antoine
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 5:58 PM Mark Struberg <struberg at yahoo.de> wrote:
>> InterceptionFactory sounds fine for me.
>> LieGrue,
>> strub
>> On Monday, 7 November 2016, 15:55, Romain Manni-Bucau <
>> rmannibucau at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >Hello Antoine,
>> >
>> >
>> >concurrency-utilities use ContextFactory for something pretty close (a
>> proxying adding spec features over invocations) which is less
>> than "Enhancer" so I'd like to keep Factory. In the list
>> InterceptionFactory looks clear enough. We neevr speak of business
>> anymore I think so it would add a difficulty for something very useful
>> go that deep in the naming I think.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Romain Manni-Bucau
>> >@rmannibucau | Blog | Old Blog | Github | LinkedIn | JavaEE Factory
>> >
>> >2016-11-07 15:44 GMT+01:00 Antoine Sabot-Durand <
>> antoine at sabot-durand.net>:
>> >
>> >Hi all,
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>In my last review for CDI-580 (https://github.com/cdi-spec/
>> cdi/pull/315), I removed all reference to proxies in Javadoc and spec
>> following various feedback.
>> >>So now the name of the interface is the only one dealing with Proxy,
>> we really need to find it a new name.
>> >>I listed some proposal in PR 315:
>> >>- InstanceEnhancer (short but not very clear)
>> >>- BusinessMethodInvocationFactor y (more exact from spec pov, but is
>> clear from user pov?)
>> >>- InterceptionFactory (cleared from user pov and near our initial
>> >>- InterceptionEnhancer
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Feedback and other names are welcome.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Antoine
>> >>______________________________ _________________
>> >>cdi-dev mailing list
>> >>cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org
>> >>https://lists.jboss.org/ mailman/listinfo/cdi-dev
>> >>
>> >>Note that for all code provided on this list, the provider licenses
>> code under the Apache License, Version 2 (http://www.apache.org/
>> licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html). For all other ideas provided on this list,
>> provider waives all patent and other intellectual property rights
>> in such information.
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >_______________________________________________
>> >cdi-dev mailing list
>> >cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org
>> >https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/cdi-dev
>> >
>> >Note that for all code provided on this list, the provider licenses
>> code under the Apache License, Version 2 (http://www.apache.org/
>> licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html). For all other ideas provided on this list,
>> the provider waives all patent and other intellectual property rights
>> inherent in such information.
>> >
>> >
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