[cdi-dev] CDI-471 and repeatable annotations

Martin Kouba mkouba at redhat.com
Mon Nov 21 08:25:28 EST 2016

Dear EG,

during the review of CDI API 2.0.Alpha5 with modified Annotated SPI [1] 
I came across few questionable parts:

1. We should be more clear that the original methods like 
Annotated.getAnnotations() or Annotated.isAnnotationPresent() DO NOT 
support repeatable annotations - this is what Reflection API does to 
remain backward compatible - see also AnnotatedElement javadoc [2]
2. Thus AnnotatedElement.getAnnotation(Class<T>) should not be 
deprecated - for the same reasons as 
AnnotatedElement.getAnnotation(Class<T>) is not
3. We should provide a default implementation of 
Annotated.getAnnotations(Class<T>), otherwise a lot of extensions 
providing their own Annotated implementations would be broken
4. We should consider renaming the method to "getAnnotationsByType()" to 
keep it simple for users used to Reflection API





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