[dna-dev] Eclipse plug-in in SVN

Brian Carothers brian.carothers at amentra.com
Fri Nov 27 12:05:21 EST 2009

This makes sense to me, particularly since it works around a technical difficulty with integrating the Eclipse projects into the Maven build system.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dna-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org [mailto:dna-dev-
> bounces at lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Randall Hauch
> Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 10:47 PM
> To: JBoss DNA
> Subject: [dna-dev] Eclipse plug-in in SVN
> A few weeks back, Dan committed the Eclipse publishing plug-in into the
> SVN trunk.  It really is a fantastic and nicely-done bit of software.  He
> did almost all of the development on a separate branch, and at the end
> merged the code into trunk.  Since this was our first non-Maven code, I
> suggested that he commit it into the 'tools' directory, thinking that we'd
> be able to integrate the Eclipse build into the Maven build system.
> But after thinking about it for a while, building the Eclipse plugins
> (including the update site) from within our build system is a pretty
> complicated affair, both from a mechanism perspective but also from a
> dependency perspective.  The Eclipse plugin requires the released JARs for
> 'dna-common' and 'dna-web-jcr-rest-client' to be bundled into the plugin
> update site, but those JARs really have to be built against the tagged
> release.  That means that the Eclipse plugin code would have to be tagged
> with the rest of the code as part of the normal release, but the Eclipse
> update site would have to be reproduced afterward.  Any problems with the
> Eclipse plugin or update site, and the whole codebase would have to be re-
> tagged and re-released.  Very messy.
> My latest idea is that the Eclipse plugins just shouldn't even be in the
> http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/dna/trunk/ at all, and to instead place
> them in a separate area of SVN, like
> http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/dna/eclipse/trunk (along with the
> corresponding 'branches' and 'tags' sibling directories).  All of the
> Eclipse plugin code would move into there, where they can remain non-Maven
> and Eclipse-specific PDE projects.  We can then release the Maven-built
> part of DNA as usual, and then bundle and release the Eclipse plugin code.
> (At some point in the future, the DNA Eclipse plugin code might even move
> into the JBoss Tools superproject.  So it certainly doesn't hurt to break
> it out now.)
> Anybody have thoughts about this?
> Best regards,
> Randall
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