[forge-commits] [forge/core] bad139: FORGE-913 Added support for allowing timestamp inp...

Vineet Reynolds Vineet.Reynolds at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 19:01:18 EDT 2013

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/forge/core
  Commit: bad139e68befddf1d1f30286978a746a7c161d26
  Author: Vineet Reynolds <Vineet.Reynolds at gmail.com>
  Date:   2013-06-24 (Mon, 24 Jun 2013)

  Changed paths:
    A scaffold-faces/src/main/java/org/jboss/forge/scaffold/faces/metawidget/inspectionresultprocessor/RichfacesCalendarInspectionResultProcessor.java
    M scaffold-faces/src/main/resources/scaffold/faces/metawidget-entity.xml

  Log Message:
  FORGE-913 Added support for allowing timestamp input via Richfaces calendar

This adds support for supplying timestamps via the generated scaffold, with a minor disadvantage - the time is defaulted to 12:00PM, but can be modified again. Fixing this requires adding support in Metawidget to display the 'apply' button.

Additionally, this still does not support the input of time fields, since Richfaces calendar does not support this component yet.

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