[forge-commits] [forge/core] 7dfcb3: Update to Furnace 2.1.1.Final

George Gastaldi gegastaldi at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 14:56:58 EST 2014

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/forge/core
  Commit: 7dfcb35800a5b6869dfbeb37c2ebd2bf597dcfa7
  Author: George Gastaldi <gegastaldi at gmail.com>
  Date:   2014-02-27 (Thu, 27 Feb 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M pom.xml

  Log Message:
  Update to Furnace 2.1.1.Final

  Commit: 5b132e11ed9776649c34d855c9bb211eae58c988
  Author: George Gastaldi <gegastaldi at gmail.com>
  Date:   2014-02-27 (Thu, 27 Feb 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M README.asciidoc

  Log Message:
  Updated README.asciidoc

  Commit: 33adce8d6d41a73c286cbe65dbef602be32e5f73
  Author: George Gastaldi <gegastaldi at gmail.com>
  Date:   2014-02-27 (Thu, 27 Feb 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M pom.xml

  Log Message:
  jboss-parent is 12

  Commit: 61f812dcc9e4f752b8a92435f2a9119aa6d151a3
  Author: George Gastaldi <gegastaldi at gmail.com>
  Date:   2014-02-27 (Thu, 27 Feb 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M addon-manager/addon/pom.xml
    M addon-manager/api/pom.xml
    M addon-manager/impl/pom.xml
    M addon-manager/pom.xml
    M addon-manager/spi/pom.xml
    M addon-manager/tests/pom.xml
    M addons/addon/pom.xml
    M addons/api/pom.xml
    M addons/impl/pom.xml
    M addons/pom.xml
    M addons/tests/pom.xml
    M bootstrap/pom.xml
    M configuration/addon/pom.xml
    M configuration/api/pom.xml
    M configuration/impl/pom.xml
    M configuration/pom.xml
    M configuration/tests/pom.xml
    M convert/addon/pom.xml
    M convert/api/pom.xml
    M convert/impl/pom.xml
    M convert/pom.xml
    M convert/tests/pom.xml
    M core/addon/pom.xml
    M core/pom.xml
    M core/tests/pom.xml
    M database-tools/addon/pom.xml
    M database-tools/api/pom.xml
    M database-tools/impl/pom.xml
    M database-tools/pom.xml
    M database-tools/tests/pom.xml
    M dependencies/addon/pom.xml
    M dependencies/api/pom.xml
    M dependencies/impl/pom.xml
    M dependencies/pom.xml
    M dependencies/tests/pom.xml
    M dev-tools-java/pom.xml
    M dist/pom.xml
    M environment/addon/pom.xml
    M environment/api/pom.xml
    M environment/impl/pom.xml
    M environment/pom.xml
    M environment/tests/pom.xml
    M facets/addon/pom.xml
    M facets/api/pom.xml
    M facets/impl/pom.xml
    M facets/pom.xml
    M facets/tests/pom.xml
    M javaee/addon/pom.xml
    M javaee/api/pom.xml
    M javaee/impl/pom.xml
    M javaee/pom.xml
    M javaee/tests/pom.xml
    M maven/addon/pom.xml
    M maven/api/pom.xml
    M maven/impl-projects/pom.xml
    M maven/impl/pom.xml
    M maven/pom.xml
    M maven/tests/pom.xml
    M parser-java/addon/pom.xml
    M parser-java/api/pom.xml
    M parser-java/impl/pom.xml
    M parser-java/pom.xml
    M parser-java/tests/pom.xml
    M parser-xml/addon/pom.xml
    M parser-xml/api/pom.xml
    M parser-xml/impl/pom.xml
    M parser-xml/pom.xml
    M parser-xml/tests/pom.xml
    M pom.xml
    M projects/addon/pom.xml
    M projects/api/pom.xml
    M projects/impl/pom.xml
    M projects/pom.xml
    M projects/tests/pom.xml
    M resources/addon/pom.xml
    M resources/api/pom.xml
    M resources/impl/pom.xml
    M resources/pom.xml
    M resources/tests/pom.xml
    M scaffold/addon/pom.xml
    M scaffold/api/pom.xml
    M scaffold/faces/pom.xml
    M scaffold/impl/pom.xml
    M scaffold/pom.xml
    M scaffold/spi/pom.xml
    M scaffold/tests/pom.xml
    M shell/addon/pom.xml
    M shell/api/pom.xml
    M shell/impl/pom.xml
    M shell/pom.xml
    M shell/spi/pom.xml
    M shell/test-harness/pom.xml
    M shell/tests/pom.xml
    M templates/addon/pom.xml
    M templates/api/pom.xml
    M templates/impl/pom.xml
    M templates/pom.xml
    M templates/spi/pom.xml
    M templates/tests/pom.xml
    M text/pom.xml
    M ui/addon/pom.xml
    M ui/api/pom.xml
    M ui/example/pom.xml
    M ui/impl/pom.xml
    M ui/pom.xml
    M ui/spi/pom.xml
    M ui/test-harness/pom.xml
    M ui/tests/pom.xml

  Log Message:
  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1.1.Final

Compare: https://github.com/forge/core/compare/36a5f9798cac...61f812dcc9e4

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