[forge-commits] [forge/website-design] 3bbc74: Closes #32. Although the link is not yet set on th...

visuale james at visuale.net
Sun Apr 12 19:56:42 EDT 2015

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/forge/website-design
  Commit: 3bbc74b198b95a5f54b8bd7cfbd3ae84ff8d6945
  Author: visuale <james at visuale.net>
  Date:   2015-04-12 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015)

  Changed paths:
    A addon_phone_template.html
    M css/forge.css
    M css/forge_addons.css

  Log Message:
  Closes #32. Although the link is not yet set on the main addons page, this would be the link that the link for each addon goes to in place of showing the modal if the site is being viewed on a device at phone/small window size. It is meant to be viewed from 767px and lower (the -xs- breakpoint) but still properly displays all content at the larger sizes, too.

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