[forge-dev] Shell Prompt Locking

James Perkins jperkins at redhat.com
Wed Jul 11 14:00:12 EDT 2012

I was working on getting support to connect to remote servers for the 
JBoss AS 7 plugin. The management API's require a 
javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler. I originally had an 
implementation that would prompt for the username and password to be 
entered. The issue is that the ShellImpl locks on execution [1] with the 
same lock on the promptWithCompleter [2]. This causes the prompt on the 
CallbackHandler implementation to dead-lock.

The workaround I've found is the promptSecret [3] does not seem to 
block. There are other potential ways around this, but they generally 
require the user to authenticate on each execution which is not really 

This leads to a few questions:

 1. Should the promptSecret be blocking too?
 2. Is there a better approach to getting the credentials?
 3. Should the promptWithCompleter be blocking? (I haven't really looked
    at the code enough to determine this)


James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat

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