[forge-users] Maven archetypes

Adrian Gonzalez adr_gonzalez at yahoo.fr
Tue Oct 25 09:28:44 EDT 2011


Is it coherent to use maven archetypes for project creation AND Seam Forge for code generation only ?
Or is it a rather complicated or *no future* solution ?

The point is :
 * there are a lot of maven archetypes all around internet.
 * we also have some archetypes in our company and there's no value migrating those ones to forge.
 * m2e for eclipse is becoming widespread, people are (becoming?) used to use New Project > Maven Projet > Use Archetype...

My sentiment is that this approach can be viable if forge code generation plugin (scaffold, richfaces, etc...) are 'universal' plugins (by universal I mean : can be applied to any project - generared by Forge or no) - but I'm really a forge newbie.

Thanks !
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